Haiti - FLASH : Chancellor of Canada Mélanie Joly announces sanctions against J. Lambert and Y. Latortue - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Chancellor of Canada Mélanie Joly announces sanctions against J. Lambert and Y. Latortue
05/11/2022 09:29:04

Haiti - FLASH : Chancellor of Canada Mélanie Joly announces sanctions against J. Lambert and Y. Latortue
Friday, November 4, 2022, in a note from Global Affairs Canada, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honorable Mélanie Joly, announced in coordination with the United States https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38056-haiti-flash-j-lambert-and-y-latortue-sanctioned-by-the-usa-all-the-details.html that Canada is imposing targeted sanctions under the Special Economic Measures (Haiti) Regulations "in response to the egregious conduct of Haitian political elites who provide illicit financial and operational support to armed gangs.

These sanctions target two individuals, President of the Senate Joseph Lambert and former President of the Senate Youri Latortue. The new measures will impose a dealings prohibition on these individuals, effectively freezing any assets they may hold in Canada.

Canada has reason to believe these individuals are using their status as previous or current public office holders to protect and enable the illegal activities of armed criminal gangs, including through money laundering and other acts of corruption.

These gangs and their supporters terrorize vulnerable populations in Haiti with impunity, and are precipitating a humanitarian crisis in Haiti that includes the resurgence of cholera on the island.

They are committing unspeakable violence, including widespread sexual violence, against affected populations and impeding the delivery of critical services.

The sanctions against these individuals are intended to stop the flow of illicit funds and weapons to weaken and disable criminal gangs. The Government of Canada will consider further sanctions against additional individuals and entities, as well as other measures to pressure those responsible for the violence and insecurity in Haiti."

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