Haiti - Economy : The Senate met the CSCCA - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Economy : The Senate met the CSCCA
24/09/2011 13:05:16

Haiti - Economy : The Senate met the CSCCA
This week took place a meeting between the Finance and Budget Commission of the Senate and members of the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes (CSCCA), it was discussed the budget issue, the issue of public spending, the role of the Superior Court of Auditors...

The President of the Commission, the Senator Jocelerme Privert gives more details on this meeting "...this is the fourth time we do this approach, the first three times difficulties have prevented to make the meetings, now they come in large numbers and we discussed with them of the problems concerning the relations of parliament with the Court of Auditors [...] we have discussed a lot with them of the issues which agitates the national public opinion, we discussed the issue of reports that the Court of Auditors shall submit to the parliament, the budget issue, the issue of public spending, the role of the Court of Auditors in the control of the public bodies..."

Mr. Privert recalled that neither the BNC or the BRH have never been audited by the Court of Auditors "...in several meeting we had with the board of the Central Bank and of the Banque Nationale de Credit, it was clear that these institutions have never been controlled by the Court of Auditors, this question was discussed, and commitments have been took so that in the coming months, the Court of Auditors includes in the programming of its framework, that periodic inspections is also performed in these public institutions..."

Mr. Privert also indicated that it missing two members at the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes, and that the latter must operate permanently with the totality of its members, adding that today arrangements must be taken to ensure that two new members join the current members.

The CSCCA is an independent institution whose mission is to judge the actions of Public Administration, the accounts of officers and accounting of public funds and assist the Parliament and the Executive in the control of the implementation of laws and regulations regarding the Budget and Public Accounting. The CSCCA exercises control and verification of income, expenses, goods and operations of public enterprises and order the necessary adjustments as well as the relevant changes in the books...

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