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Haiti - Education : Abdou Diouf invited to Haiti by the President Martelly
11/10/2011 16:15:06

Haiti - Education : Abdou Diouf invited to Haiti by the President Martelly
Following the holding of the XIII Summit of La Francophonie in Montreux, October 2010, where the Heads of State and of Government of member countries of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) have adopted a resolution making of Haiti the priority of the francophone solidarity, Abdou Diouf, Secretary General of La Francophonie, will visit Haiti on October 13 and 14, 2011, at the invitation of the President of the Republic Michel Martelly. "The entire Francophonie remains firmly committed to accompany Haiti at the level of the consolidation of the democracy, of the implementation of targeted actions in education, higher education and institutional reform, in collaboration with the new government and the international partners," said Abdou Diouf.

The Multilateral Francophone cooperation in favor of Haiti remains the top priority of the institutional Francophonie, present in Haiti for 20 years. The International Organization of la Francophonie, the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie (APF) and all its specialized operators which are the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), TV5 Monde, the International Association of French speaking Mayors (AIMF) and the Senghor University have provided assistance to the revovery of the country.

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