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Haiti - Agriculture : Launch of the 3rd agricultural technology park in the North
20/07/2023 10:13:57

Haiti - Agriculture : Launch of the 3rd agricultural technology park in the North
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with Kansas State University (KSU), launched the 3rd of six Agricultural Technology Parks across Haiti, this one at Campus Henry Christophe in Limonade (CHCL). With this park, the university will expand its active education and research roles in agriculture through the Haiti Agricultural University Partnership Activity (HAUP).

USAID is partnering with Kansas State University and Lemonade's Henry Christophe Campus to launch an agricultural technology park in the North.

Funded by USAID through the Feed the Future Initiative, the HAUP will build the capacity of Haitian institutions to conduct research, improve teaching, and deliver extension services to rural communities. CHCL is a state university with a long history of agricultural activities in the northern sector. With increased capacity, CHCL will be able to provide more adapted training to the local workforce and expand the reach to local farmers to improve agricultural production.

Part of a network of six agriculture parks across Haiti, CHCL is a leader in climate-smart agriculture and will showcase related agriculture technologies and strategies. These innovations will help Haitian farmers cultivate their crops more successfully and sustainably, thereby increasing their income.

CHCL's park will also serve as a demonstration and training center to conduct applied research. Local farmers will learn how to increase agricultural productivity and other ways to improve their farming practices. CHCL is already enrolling undergraduate students who will conduct research at the agriculture park. Furthermore, the park will help the university generate additional revenue to sustain its operation.

"Climate change effects on crop production are a concern for all, and they are having profound impacts on Haitian agriculture," said Vara Prasad, director of the Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab at KSU. "We are fortunate that USAID/Haiti has funded HAUP so we can partner with Haitian universities to showcase new production technologies."

USAID/Haiti's Economic Growth and Agriculture Development office Director Michelle Jennings remarked, "USAID is pleased to help this Agriculture Technology Park to engage youth and strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector. All of these interventions will be embedded into research and extension to increase productivity and know-how in farmer fields across Haiti."

Dr. Herisse Guirand, the President of CHCL, says: "We are pleased to have this opportunity to work with other Haitian universities, KSU, and USAID. The Agriculture Technology Park will enable farmers to better produce food in a changing climate."

USAID works to build a stable and economically viable Haiti. U.S. assistance focuses on long-term reconstruction and development, promoting economic growth, job creation and agricultural development, providing basic health care and education services, and improving the effectiveness of government.

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