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Haiti - Education : Towards the certification of teacher skills
05/09/2023 08:56:03

Haiti - Education : Towards the certification of teacher skills
This Monday, September 4th, 2023, during the first day of a 3-day workshop dedicated to the training of pedagogical and supervisory staff of the Haitian school organized by the Ministry of National Education, the speakers and the participants had a long exchanged around the "Referential of professional skills of the teacher". A document that defines the 16 competences for teaching and that sets their components and describes the observable facts that underlie them.

At the opening of this workshop, the Minister of Education Nesmy Manigat thanked the National Commission for the Development of the Validation of Acquired Professional Experience (CNDVAEP) which, under the leadership of its coordinator, Charles Levelt Joseph, been able to work on the development of this document, with the support of Swiss cooperation.

This Tuesday, the second day of this workshop, the executives of the technical departments of the Ministry of the Office of the Secretary of State for Literacy, of the National Office of Partnership in Education, of the National Institute of Vocational Training, will have to focus this time on the "National Policy for the Training of Teachers and Supervisory Staff", and on the "Document of Governance, Framework and Orientation of Continuing Education Actions for Teaching and Administrative Staff" ; two texts developed with the assistance of the Training and Development Department.

For the Minister Manigat, it is important, at the beginning of the academic year 2023-2024, to achieve the consistency of these three renovating texts while facilitating their popularization and their appropriation by the educational community, and mainly by teachers. for certification of their skills and professional development.

On Wednesday, September 6, during the third and last day of this workshop, these three technically revisited documents will be presented in particular to teachers' unions and to teacher training institutions and education specialists.

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