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Haiti - Social : Rain of wishes 2024 (Part 2)
26/12/2023 09:11:30

Haiti - Social : Rain of wishes 2024 (Part 2)
Ministry of Youth, Sports and Civic Action:
"The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Civic Action (MJSAC) expresses to the actors of its three sub-sectors wishes for peace and reconciliation during Christmas 202 3. May the values of peace (tolerance, conviviality, sharing, respect...) guide them all to continue contributing to the building of a stable Haiti focused on economic and social progress !"

Ministry of Tourism:
"The Ministry of Tourism wishes you a Merry Christmas in peace, love and fraternity. Live this Christmas experience with a spirit of sharing and conviviality that can enhance the splendor of tourist activities."

Cap-Haitien Town Hall:
"Despite the challenges that the city is facing after the latest torrential rains, the municipality wishes you Merry Christmas and an end-of-year holiday season filled with comfort and unity. May solidarity brighten our hearts during this difficult time, and may the spirit of Christmas bring hope and resilience to all residents of our beloved city."

Ex First Lady Martine Moise (video):

Embassy of Haiti, Washington D.C.:
"The Embassy of the Republic of Haiti in the United States of America wishes you happy holidays and a happy new year 2024."

Embassy of Mexico in Haiti:
"The Mexican Embassy in Haiti wishes you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year."

Embassy of Haiti in Ecuador:
"His Excellency Ambassador Lesly David and his wife Madame Déborah David join the staff of the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti in Ecuador to wish you happy holidays in 2023 and a magnificent new year 2024."

General Customs Administration (AGD):
"On the occasion of Christmas and the New Year, the General Customs Administration wishes customs staff, economic operators and the public in general its wishes for Peace, happiness, health and success. May the year 2024 be synonymous with better partnership, better communication and better understanding between us. Merry Christmas 2023 and Happy New Year 2024!"

National Library of Haiti (BNH):
"The entire team of the National Library of Haiti (BNH) wishes you a Merry Christmas 2023 and a year 2024 that meets your needs."

National Ambulance Center (CAN):
"On the occasion of the Christmas celebration, CAN expresses its wishes for peace, health, serenity and joy to all! Merry Christmas 2023 !"

"Merry Christmas to you and all those dear to you ! May this festive period be filled with happiness, warmth and magic. May the twinkling lights of the fir trees brighten your days and may the Christmas carols warm your heart. Enjoy these precious moments surrounded by those you love and create unforgettable memories. Happy Holidays !"

Digicel Foundation:
"Love, solidarity, sharing! Love for our loved ones, for those we don't recognize but who look like us; after all, we are all the same. Solidarity so that we can go hand in hand to build strong communities and carry out sustainable projects. Share, don’t neglect to give to those who need it. The Digicel Foundation wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024 !"

Association of Industries of Haiti (ADIH):
"On the occasion of the season of thanks, ADIH wishes to express, once again, its gratitude to all its members for their loyalty and commitment. May you all spend the holiday season in a climate of peace, joy and hope. Merry Christmas 2023, Happy New Year 2024."

Anti-Corruption Unit (ULCC):
"The ULCC sends you its best wishes for peace, love and hope this Christmas and New Year. May the values of transparency, ethics and responsibility inhabit every Haitian."

Haiti National Police Union (SPNH-17):
"The Haitian National Police union, despite the hard times in our history as a people, wants to wish the entire Haitian population, the press in its entirety and diversity, particularly our valiant police officers still remaining alongside the Haitian people, a Christmas of courage and hope for a promising future. May God bless you all and open your eyes.
Long live Haiti! Long live the PNH! Long live SPNH-17 !"

"The Federation of the Haitian Diaspora of Europe (FEDHE) wishes you happy holidays!"

"Resident Coordinator Ulrika Richardson and the country team of the United Nations (UN - Haiti) thank all our partners for cooperation during 2023 and look forward to 2024 with hope and even stronger determination to work together for Haiti. Happy Holidays to everyone !"

"In this time of celebration, the Representation of the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO in Haiti) wishes to express its deep gratitude to each of you. Be it our partners, health personnel and the entire Haitian community. Let us also take the time to reflect on the challenges overcome and the successes shared in 2023. Your continued support and dedication have made a real difference in our common mission to promote the health and well-being of all Haitians. May 2024 be a year of flourishing health, continued progress and strengthened solidarity. May all your plans and aspirations come to life, and may each day bring its share of happiness and success. Merry Christmas 2023 and Happy New Year 2024 to everyone! With gratitude, PAHO Representation in Haiti »

The United States Agency for International Development

"USAID in Haiti wishes you and your loved ones a happy holiday season! Despite the challenges we have faced over the past year, we persevere and are able to continue supporting #Haitians across the nation. May the coming year be filled with Love, Peace and Opportunity."

Delegation of the European Union to Haiti:
"On the occasion of this time of the year, the Delegation of the European Union to Haiti joins its voice with that of all its staff to wish the Haitian people their wishes for peace and progress for the new year which is coming. comes from it."

Association of Volunteers for the Reintegration of Prisoners (AVRED):
At this Christmas time. We think strongly of all these unfortunate people
Who no longer have a home, nor anything to eat, hit by poverty, insecurity and banditry and who are waiting for a better day! A special thought for the inmates incarcerated in all the country's prisons. With all our energy, the AVRED-Haïti team wishes you a Merry Christmas 2023 and a Happy New Year 2024.

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