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Haiti - Education : MoU between the Ministry and the Haiti Jazz Foundation
13/01/2024 09:21:05

Haiti - Education : MoU between the Ministry and the Haiti Jazz Foundation
Wednesday January 10, 2024, the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) and the Haiti Jazz Foundation initialed a Memorandum of Understanding relating to interinstitutional collaboration for the promotion of Artistic and Aesthetic Education (EAE), a new compulsory subject, in which candidates for official exams for the 2023-2024 academic year will be evaluated as they will be for two other new subjects : Physical and sports education (EPS), Education in technology and productive activities (ETAP).

During the signing ceremony of this Protocol, Minister Nesmy Manigat was delighted to be able to initiate this collaboration with the Haiti Jazz Foundation declaring "A trained citizen is a cultured citizen, a citizen who knows the culture of his country and the culture universal."

Joël Widmaier President of the Haiti Jazz Foundation said he was satisfied with the collaboration initiated by the two institutions. Joël Widmaier commits the Foundation to its determination to gradually put its know-how in the cultural and artistic field to the benefit of schools.

Milena Sandler, the General Director of the Haiti Jazz Foundation underlined "It will be another opportunity to do musical training, training in music professions, training in management and organization of cultural events" adding that the Music facilitates the development of skills in non-artistic school disciplines such as mathematics and science without denying its positive impacts on reading and writing.

According to what is stipulated in article 3.2.1 of this Protocol "The Haiti Jazz Foundation undertakes, within the framework of the PAPJAZZ festival 2024, to mobilize the musicians scheduled for the festival (with their instruments) who will entertain music workshops for young jazz musicians and others from Port au Prince, to mobilize musicians, experts in plastic arts and recycling for the implementation of the 'Jazz pou timoun' workshops and implement a call for applications for musicians (all musical styles combined) for programming at the 'Discovery Stage', mobilize and organize the reception of this stage at the Caribbean Cultural Center scheduled for January 28, 2024. In addition, the Haiti Jazz Foundation is committed to a second time, starting in March 2024, to mobilize experts for the development of a series of workshops around musical appreciation and the introduction to performing professions for students in primary and secondary schools in jointly identified schools."

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