Haiti - UEH Awards : Students and entities distinguished for their achievements during the year 2023 (List) 11/02/2024 09:08:10
During the ceremony of the 2nd edition of the "UEH Awards", a dozen distinctions were awarded. Let's remember that "UEH Awards", an initiative of the "Etidyan Leta" Platform, a student organization operating within the State University of Haiti (UEH), aims to recognize, celebrate and reward the exceptional efforts of students and students who have distinguished themselves in different extra-academic fields through their collective and personal initiatives, their talents, their influence, etc...
In his speech, Rector Fritz Deshomme declared "[...] I searched laboriously, patiently and desperately. I did not find the adequate words, the correct formulation which would express in all their fullness the joy, the enthusiasm, the pride, the happiness that I feel on the occasion of this ceremony dedicated to the distribution of Prizes, to the valorization of skills, the recognition of abilities and the titillation of pride and the highlighting of the UEH [...] I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to the winners, to the recipients of the day, asking them to keep the sense of excellence, the sense of continuous effort which has enabled them to deserve our recognition. Our congratulations also to the nominees and all those who competed. They will certainly have other opportunities to showcase themselves and perform.
List of distinguished people and entities :
- Jean Pierre Léonard Charles is designated "International Pride of the Year 2023" for having been winner of the Normandy Region first prize of the 17th edition of the International Competition for writing a song text in French around the theme: "Passager du temps";
- Ysabelle Décéus is winner of the "Debater of the Year 2023" category. She was crowned 2023 hopeful debater in the 2023 national debate championship organized by the National Debate Federation;
- The Center for Planning Techniques and Applied Economics (CTPEA) is crowned winner in the category "Sports team of the year 2023" (Male category) for having been vice-champion of the first edition of the Interuniversity Tournament organized by Rankont-Edu;
- The Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (FAMV) won first prize in the "Scientific Day of the Year 2023" category;
- Soblencia Maceno is the first winner in the "National Pride of the Year 2023" category. This Prize is awarded to him for winning the fourth edition of the Medcriture literary competition;
- Danns Allvans Valbrun (El Prooodigio) is the winner in the "Content Creator of the Year 2023" category;
- Joana Joseph won, ahead of Jean Pierre Léonard Charles, the "Personal Initiative of the Year 2023" category for her disc (EP) entitled "Black is beautiful" produced under the Evazyon Mizik label;
- The Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences (FDSE) is the first winner in the "Integration of the year 2023" category for its traditional integration celebration called "Euphoria 2.0";
- Port-au-Prince Book Fair, an activity launched by a group of UEH students on the theme "Meeting young authors", won in front of the Cercle Littéraire Tchadensky Jean-Baptiste in the "Collective Initiative of the Year 2023" category;
- "INAGHEI in color" (Exhibition and musical entertainment) is named winner in the "Cultural event of the year 2023" category;
- The Henry Campus de Limonade wins first prize in the "Influential entity on social networks" category;
- Lovensky Fils-Aimé is awarded in the "Influencer of the Year 2023" category.
It should be noted that during this "UEH Awards" 2023 ceremony, in addition to the winners, the "Etidyan Leta" Platform presented a certificate of participation to all the other nominees. Certain dignitaries, notably Rector Fritz Deshomme, also received a certificate for their support of this noble initiative. Musical performances, slam, dances were also there.
HL/ HaitiLibre