Haiti - State exams : No candidate will be left behind in areas deprived of schools - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - State exams : No candidate will be left behind in areas deprived of schools
11/04/2024 10:14:11

Haiti - State exams : No candidate will be left behind in areas deprived of schools
Wednesday April 10, 2024, the Ministry of National Education in conjunction with the National Office of State Examinations (BUNEXE) announced that it had already taken measures to allow the Permanent Evaluation Center (CPE) to organize State examinations. State for areas in difficulty where children have not been able to resume their school activities in the departments of West and Artibonite

The Ministry reminds the public in general and educational agents in particular that the Permanent Evaluation Center (CPE), an entity within the Ministry, is responsible for proposing, coordinating and organizing examinations throughout the country.

Thus, the Ministry will take all measures to allow the CPE to organize State exams for areas that have difficulties.

The Ministry calls for calm, and assures that no regular candidate will be left behind and that it has already taken all measures to ensure that the CPE plays its role if necessary, in coordination with the National State Examination Office, in preparation for the State exam where it would not take place, as planned at the end of July and the beginning of August, according to the new calendar revised by the ministry https ://https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-42046-haiti-flash-change-of-date-of-state-exams-official.html

The Ministry guarantees that it will support all candidates for their success in the organization of learning compensation courses and any other support to help candidates prepare well for the exams.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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