Haiti - Economy : BRH launches a financial education magazine - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Economy : BRH launches a financial education magazine
21/04/2024 10:55:30

Haiti - Economy : BRH launches a financial education magazine
As part of economic and financial education projects, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy Document, the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) published the first issue of a quarterly magazine entitled "Development of Financial Knowledge and Skills" (RDCCF) which aims to raise awareness of the crucial importance of financial education in Haiti, as well as to deepen the understanding of daily financial principles.

According to data from the Finscope study (2018,) in Haiti, only 35% of households believe they can control their spending, while 96% do not have access to a financial advisor. In addition, 51% do not know how to save and 50% have no information on investment possibilities. These figures underline the urgency of strengthening financial skills, the BRH is convinced.

Download the first issue of the magazine : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/La-Revue-Developpement-de-Connaissances-et-Competences-Financieres-UIF.pdf

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