Haiti - FLASH : The Kenyan Commander of the Mission at the head of a high-level delegation is in Port-au-Prince - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : The Kenyan Commander of the Mission at the head of a high-level delegation is in Port-au-Prince
21/05/2024 07:03:44

Haiti - FLASH : The Kenyan Commander of the Mission at the head of a high-level delegation is in Port-au-Prince
A high-level Kenyan delegation, including the Commander of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS), arrived in Port-au-Prince, Monday May 20, 2024, via a Sunrise Airways flight from Miami where members of the delegation were in transit.

According to information relayed by the Miami Herald, this reconnaissance delegation (before deployment) will have the task of examining in detail the preparations necessary for the arrival of the first Kenyan contingents, of coordinating efforts between the different stakeholders and of evaluating the situation on the ground in order to determine the first actions to be undertaken as part of the deployment of the Mission. The delegation could stay a week in Haiti...

According to several sources, around 400 Kenyan soldiers (out of the 1,000 planned) should arrive by the end of the month. No timetable has been made public, for security reasons to prevent gangs from preparing...

The first Kenyan contingent according to our information would be composed of around 200 elite men trained in combat who, according to the Kenyan authorities, are capable of managing the situation on the ground in a professional manner, they come from the Reconnaissance Unit of Kenyan police, rapid deployment force and special operations group that fought the Al-Shabaab terrorist group on the Kenya-Somalia border. (plus support staff)

Kenya, which leads this force, will be joined by several other countries https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-42217-haiti-flash-7-countries-from-africa-asia-and-the-caribbean-will-support-the-pnh.html . Benin and Chad among Africans; The Bahamas, Jamaica and Barbados among the Caribbean, as well as Bangladesh, although it is unclear when exactly they will be deployed. These countries are all awaiting Kenya's deployment and so it is likely that they will subsequently deploy as necessary, at Kenya's request.

The main objective of the MMSS is to help the Haitian National Police (PNH) combat gangs that regularly launch attacks against civilians and public and private infrastructure...

The Mission will face various gang threats, and it is likely that Kenyan forces, as well as other members of the MMSS, will be the preferred target of the gangs.

Korir Singoei, Kenya's Principal Secretary for Foreign Affairs, declared on Sunday May 19 that Kenya would deploy the first contingents to Haiti in a few days and denied rumors of a visit by Kenyan President William Ruto to Port-au-Prince. Let's remember that President Ruto is currently on an official trip to the United States for a week, Haiti will be at the top of the agenda at the White House. This trip coincides with the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States and Kenya.

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