Haiti - FLASH : First Kenyan patrol in the streets of Port-au-Prince (Video) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : First Kenyan patrol in the streets of Port-au-Prince (Video)
01/07/2024 09:30:35

Haiti - FLASH : First Kenyan patrol in the streets of Port-au-Prince (Video)
Friday June 28, as part of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) the Kenyan police officers who arrived Tuesday June 25, 2024 began patrolling Port-au-Prince jointly with the Haitian National Police.

The Kenyans alongside their Haitian police colleagues roamed the streets of the capital and the National Port. The Kenyans made these joint patrols to familiarize themselves and reassure the population with their presence.

The foot patrol was accompanied by other police officers aboard new black armored vehicles, donated by the United States in support of the PNH https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-42371-haiti-flash-the-pnh-receives-10-new-armored-vehicles-from-the-united-states-video.html

Residents said they hoped law enforcement could put an end to the indiscriminate violence and allow businesses to restart. "We need Peace. If the Kenyan police forces are there, it is so that we can return to the life we ​​had before [...]" declared a resident

The Mission will ultimately include at least 2,500 men, who could face resistance from well-armed Haitian gangs who have taken control of more than 80% of the capital Port-au-Prince...

No incidents have been reported.

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