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Haiti - Economy : Annual inflation approaches 30%
26/08/2024 10:21:50

Haiti - Economy : Annual inflation approaches 30%
According to the latest available bulletin from the Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics (IHSI), the upward trend in inflation observed in recent months continued to grow during the month of June 2024, but less quickly than the previous month. The General Consumer Price Index (CPI, 100 in 2017-2018), which stood at 404.9 in May, rose to 408.9 in June, recording monthly increases of 1.0% and annual increases of 28.9% compared to 1.7% and 28.3% respectively in May.

The annual increase in the index is the result of the increase in the price of products such as:

"Food products and non-alcoholic beverages" : +0.9% over one month and 40.5% over one year;
"Housing, water, gas, electricity and other fuels" : +0.7% over one month and 22.7% over one year;
"Communication" : (+33.7% over one month and 40.5% over one year);
"Restaurant" : +0.9% over one month and 28.1% over one year.

Products with the highest annual inflation:
Food :
Rice (on average 51.9%), Corn (on average 44.1%), Millet (47.9%), Meat (on average 39.4%), Fresh fish (53.9%), Herring (on average 53.7%), Edible oil (51.0%), Lemon (85.9%) and Banana (39.0%).
Clothing and footwear :
Clothing manufacturing (29.9%), Dress (28.2%), Shirt (26.2%) and Socks (26.4%).

Housing, water, gas, electricity and other fuels :
Housing rent (27.2%), Charcoal (28.1%) and Propane Gas (22.3%)
Telephone call (55.3%)

Restaurant :
Eating out (28.1%)

Year-on-year price growth: local products 29.2%; imported 28.5%

Consumer Price Index for the whole country by consumption function :
General index: 1.0% over one month in June 2024 and 28.9% over one year

Food products and non-alcoholic beverages : +0.9% over one month and +40.5% over one year;
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco : +0.2% over one month and +15.3% over one year;
Clothing and footwear : +0.6% over one month and +22.4% over one year;
Housing, water, gas, electricity and other fuels : +0.7% over one month and +22.7% over one year;
Furniture, household items and routine household maintenance : +0.6% over one month and +20.9% over one year;
Health : +0.2% over one month and +8.8% over one year;
Transport : +0.1% over one month and +0.7% over one year;
Communication : +33.7% over one month and +40.5% over one year;
Leisure : +0.7% over one month and +13.7% over one year;
Education : +0.0% over one month and +5.7% over one year;
Restaurants : +0.9% over one month and +28.1% over one year;
Miscellaneous goods and services : +0.5% over one month and +14.5% over one year;

Annual change in the CPI (inflation) :

Overall CPI : 2023 June 43.9%; July 39.8%; August 37.3%; September 31.8%; October 22.8% 2024 January 20.9%; February 23%; March 26.7%; April 27.3%; May 28.3%; June 28.9%

CPI for Local Products : 2023 June 41.1%; July 38.6%; August 36.6%; September 31.3%; October 22.7% 2024 January 22.6%; February 23.2%; March 26.8%; April 27.6%; May 28.9%; June 29.2%

CPI for Imported Products : 2023 June 48.2%; July 41.5%; August 38.2%; September 32.6%; October 23.1 2024 January. 21.4%; February 22.9%; March 26.5%; April 26.7%; May 27.3%; June 28.5%

CPI by geographic region :
At the regional level, the most significant price increases, year-on-year, are mainly observed in the Reste Ouest (30.7%), Sud (29.8%) and Area Métropolitaine (29.2%) regions. Prices in the other regions (North and Transversale) increased by around 27.0%.

Metropolitan area : +1.1% over one month, +29.2% over one year
(Port-au-Prince, Delmas, Pétion-ville, Carrefour and Croix des Bouquet);

Remaining West : +1.2% over one month +30.7% over one year
(Departments of the South-East and West without the metropolitan area);

North : +0.7% over one month +27.3% over one year
(Department of the North, North East and North West);

South: +0.9% over one month +29.8% over one year
(Department of the South, Grande-Anse and Nippes);

Transversal : +0.8% over one month +27.6% over one year
(Department of the Center and Artibonite).

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