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Haiti - New secondary : Towards setting in motion of the technological sector
11/09/2024 10:08:18

Haiti - New secondary : Towards setting in motion of the technological sector
On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, the Ministry of National Education organized a consultation workshop (from September 10 to 13, 2024) bringing together executives from the Ministry, national and international actors involved in education in Haiti, in order to develop the Orientation Document for the Technological Education Sector.

During the opening ceremony, Augustin Antoine, the Minister of National Education, was delighted to finally see the Ministry on the path to launching the technological education sector, which leads to short higher education and also allows entry to university.

Minister Augustin Antoine recalled that the Haitian school is no longer what it was 50 years ago, emphasizing that the renovation of secondary education requires, on the one hand, the updating of programs to adapt them to the reality of the country and the international context. On the other hand, this renovation seeks to address the problem of the socio-professional integration of young people.

"We have a population composed mainly of young people, hence the need for the State and the school to take care of the socio-professional integration of young people. This is about the adequacy between training and the job market. The school must address this problem. What training for which youth, for which country in the service of which development ?" asked Augustin Antoine, indicating that through technological training, young people should become entrepreneurs capable of creating wealth in the country and at the same time filling the gaps in the job market.

According to Augustin, given the evolution of things around the world, it is necessary to give another direction to the Haitian school. Question, he said, of laying the foundations for the Haiti of tomorrow.

Minister Augustin hopes that at the end of the work of this workshop, the document developed can greatly help in the real implementation of the technological sector.

For Professor Miguel Fleurijean, Director of Secondary Education, "The technological education stream will play a crucial role in democratizing the training offered to our young people," specifying that it offers them not only the opportunity to develop practical skills, but also an in-depth understanding of the technical and technological issues that shape the world.

According to Fleurijean, "in a context where innovation and technology are at the heart of economic growth, it is imperative that young people are prepared to meet the challenges of tomorrow."

The technological education stream has a dual purpose, namely : to allow high school graduates in technological education to directly access jobs and to pursue higher education in institutions where their specialties are taught.

Here are the series of the technological education stream leading to the baccalaureate :
- Industrial Sciences and Technology Series (STI);
- Tertiary Sciences and Technology Series (STT);
- Rural Development Sciences and Technology Series (STDR);
- Medical-Social Sciences and Technology Series (STMS);
- Computer Science Series (SI).

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