Haiti - FLASH : First concrete commitment by the State in favor of «Madan Sara» - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : First concrete commitment by the State in favor of «Madan Sara»
29/12/2024 08:38:41

Haiti - FLASH : First concrete commitment by the State in favor of «Madan Sara»
On Saturday, December 28, 2024, James Monazard, the Minister of Trade and Industry, under the high patronage of the Prime Minister's Office, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Ms. Jocelyne Jean Louis, Coordinator of the Rasanbleman Madan Sara (RAMSA). This initiative is part of the Government's efforts to support the most vulnerable actors in the national economy, in a context marked by numerous socio-economic challenges.

The ceremony, organized in the premises of RAMSA, was an opportunity for rich exchanges. The representatives of the Madan Sara shared testimonies, exposing the realities and challenges of their daily lives while formulating recommendations that the Minister of Trade and Industry will transmit to the Head of Government Fils-Aimé.

Jocelyne Jean Louis opened the ceremony with a minute of silence in memory of the victims of insecurity. She welcomed this historic step, calling it the first tangible commitment of the State to the Madan Sara, and expressed the hope that it would be a prelude to a lasting transformation of their condition.

In his speech, Minister Monazard reaffirmed the fundamental role of the Madan Sara in the country's economy. He announced that an initial grant of 8 million Gourdes will be allocated to RAMSA and that, from January 2025, a formalization campaign will be launched. This initiative aims to grant the Madan Sara official recognition that will give them access to credit and other economic opportunities. The Minister also reiterated the Government's commitment to ensuring the free movement of goods and people, an essential condition for economic recovery.

This Memorandum of Understanding is part of a series of strategic measures to revive the national economy. Support for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as well as support for the Madan Sara, reflect the desire to build an inclusive, resilient economy that brings hope to all citizens.

According to the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH), the Madan Sara contribute 30% to the gross domestic product (GDP).

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