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Haiti - Economy : The Minister of Economy aims a 10% growth in 2012
08/01/2012 09:43:36

Haiti - Economy : The Minister of Economy aims a 10% growth in 2012
André Lemercier Georges, the Minister of Economy and Finance declared, in an interview, that he estimated the growth of the economy of Haiti in 2011 to 5%. He asserts that the causes are known and that the government would implement policies to achieve the goal of 10% growth in 2012.

"...we had an electoral period and a transition long enough, [...] we had [a growth] probably around 5% but this is justified by several reasons [...] It is true we have not had the 10% expected, but we know the causes, we analyzed them and we will ensure that in the implementation of our policies this year, we manage to get the desired results [...]

The idea is that we must have policies and strategies, which show that we want to achieve this growth. [...] there is a level of investment who must be done in the areas of construction, tourism and agriculture. This level of investment has three components :

A component of public investment that will create the infrastructure in which the private sector can not invest. The level of investment of these infrastructures, of these super structures, it's the State these super structures, in terms of security, in terms of support, in terms of policies.

We will have parapublic investments ; development agencies and NGOs will come to invest in Haiti.

Finally what will be important is private investment that will contribute to this growth [...]

It is necessary that we reach to put in place mechanisms that will allow people to come and invest to reduce the level of direct subsidy [...] so we will implement policies of supports, of partial guarantee funds, of insurance, that will allow these sectors , to the people who have the possibility to invest, to come and invest with the establishment of mechanisms, of economic and fiscal policies that will accompany these investors [...]"

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