Haiti - Politic : According to Rosemond Jean, there are 1,500 military legally on the territory - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : According to Rosemond Jean, there are 1,500 military legally on the territory
26/03/2012 11:58:36

Haiti - Politic : According to Rosemond Jean, there are 1,500 military legally on the territory
According to Rosemond Jean, Head of Political Affairs, Coordinator of Repons Peyizan in the West "...the three quarters of people asking, taking resolutions to the Senate and to the Chamber of Deputies, asking to fire on the military, remember that these are Lavalas. There are people who are campaigning and say it's the "Pink Army" whereas if you look at a letter from the National Commission of Demobilized Soldiers (Conamid'h), sent in March 2010, to the Minister of Justice, Paul Denis, to the Director General of the National Police, Mario Andrésol, to Ralph Stanley Brice, Commissioner of Carrefour, it wrote to say where there are military bases in the country, at that time no one said anything, why today we want to attribute them to the President Martelly ? The Constitution is clear in Article 267.3 it is stated that neither the President nor the Senators, no one has the authority to revoke a soldier."

Article 267.3 :
Military personnel are amenable to a military court only for offenses and crimes committed in wartime or for violations under military discipline. It can be subject to revocation, layoff, reform, early retirement only with its consent. In case the consent is not granted, the person concerned may lodge an appeal with the court of competent jurisdiction.

"[...] the decree of Jean Bertrand Aristide in 1995, signed by the Prime Minister Smarck Michel in Council of Minsitres, reduces the army to 1,500 men, so there are 1,500 military that are legal [...] it is this same decree who create the Haitian National Police (PNH), why this decree is valid for the National Police and it is not valid for 1,500 military ?"

Extract of Decree of 1995 restructuring the Army and the Police

Article 1 :
Its mandate consists to establish and to adopt the General Organization and the Internal Regulations of a Army of 1,500 members. The Commission working under the Ministry of National Defense is composed as follows :

  • Retired Brigadier General Wilthan Lhérisson, Minister of Defense : President
  • Brigadier General Bernardin Poisson : Member
  • Brigadier General Martial Romulus : Member
  • Brigadier General Mondésir Beaubrun : Member
  • Colonel Néocles Arné : Member

The Commission will call on other members of FAD'H to perform its task. It will sit on the Ministry of National Defense.

Article 2 :
Is created a Commission of structuring of the National Police Force.

Its mandate consists to establish and to adopt the General Organisation Internal Regulations of the National Police.

This Commission working under the Ministry of Justice is composed as follows :

  • Mr. Léon Jeune, Secretary of State for Justice : President
  • Colonel Jean José : Member
  • Colonel Jean Lamy : Member
  • Lieutenant Colonel Pierre E. Neptune : Member
  • Major Pierre Hemerick Charles : Member

This Commission will call on other members of FAD'H to perform its task. It will sit on the Ministry of Justice.

See also :

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