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Haiti - Heritage : The President Martelly angry at the Citadelle
20/07/2012 13:38:36

Haiti - Heritage : The President Martelly angry at the Citadelle
The President Martelly, accompanied by his adviser Grégory Mayard-Paul, of Jean Mario Dupuy, the Minister of Culture, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism, of Departmental Delegate of the North, Mr. Yvon Altéon and of officials of the Institute for the Protection of National Heritage (ISPAN) responsible of the restoration of the Citadelle, went Thursday, July 19, on the historic site of the Citadelle Laferrière of Milot [the largest Citadel of Caribbean] to observe the management of this jewel of Haitian heritage, built in the early nineteenth century by Henri-Christophe. Note that since 1982 the Historical National Park grouping the Citadelle Laferrière, the Palace Sans-souci and the Ramiers is classified World Heritage by UNESCO.

Just arrived on site, the Head of State was unpleasantly surprised by finding the state of disrepair, of abandonment and the lack of maintenance in which was the Citadelle. Without hiding his anger, the President Martelly described what he saw as irresponsible and inconceivable "that is our identity who is going to disappear ! See how herbs grow on the floor and on the and walls of the citadel, this is unacceptable !"

The President attacked particularly the staff of ISPAN, which according to him did nothing to maintain and safeguard the Citadelle "Who works here ? Are they paid, to leave this national pride in this state ? [...] It is abnormal that people continue to get money from the State without working [...] Those responsible have plans for the Citadelle ?" has openly questioned the Head of the State under the influence of emotion [and a great disappointment].

Invited to visit the upper levels of the citadel, the Head of State has refused, given the deplorable state of the Citadelle and the lack of security for visitors, he explained.

The Minister of Culture, who also acknowledged [after "the visit"] that the situation was "unacceptable" [even more that Haiti made ​​great effort for the international tourism promotion of its historical sites], announced that the Ministry would take emergency measures with Unesco and other donors, to begin the restoration of the Citadelle as soon as possible."

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