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Haiti - CEP : The CSPJ in turmoil...
26/07/2012 12:18:47

Haiti - CEP : The CSPJ in turmoil...
In correspondence dated July 24, 2012, the Superior Council of Judicial Power (CSPJ) submitted to the Head of State, the list of three names to represent the CSPJ to the Permanent Electoral Council, said a statement from the Presidency.

This announcement sparked strong reactions both in the political class, that within the CSPJ, especially since that same day, hours before the decision unexpected, Me Néhémie Joseph, the Spokesman of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) had indicated that after treatment of records of 75 candidates, the CSPJ had made a shortlist of 12 possible candidates, before proceeding to the vote, at the end of the week. A vote that will determine [after investigation], in accordance with Article 192 and 193 of the Constitution, the 3 representatives of CSPJ to the Permanent Electoral Council.

This choice emanates from a minority vote [4 votes on 9] within the CSPJ, that recognizes Anel Alexis Joseph, President of CSPJ, also President of the Supreme Court "We observed the physical presence of everyone [8 out of 9]. At the time of vote four members have left [Me Antoine Norgaisse, Me Gustave Pharaon, Me Dilia Lemaire et Me Néhémie Joseph], we continued the process. Their positions were considered as an abstention. The others voted and the three names have been sent..." has justified the President of CSPJ Wednesday, on Radio Vision 2000, insisting on the fact that it was not him, who chose the 3 names as suggested the rumor. Me Max Elibert [the 9th member] was not present at this session, he was traveling abroad.

The 4 members of CSPJ who have not participated in this vote, indicated that the decision to appoint the three supposed representatives of the institution, was taken without their support, just as they proceeded to the investigation of 12 candidates.

Me Durin Duret, the President of the National Association of Haitian Magistrates (ANAMAH) stated that the selection of members of CSPJ does not meet the standards of democracy "This is an electoral coup that prepares. The country needs to wake up because it can no longer be bad elections again [...] The names have been sent to the presidency, commit only the President of CSPJ and not the CSPJ," he urged the President of CSPJ to remove these 3 representatives that he has appointed, and allow the continuance of the investigation process provided on the 12 shortlisted personalities.

Fritz-Gérald Bourjolly, President of the Commission Justice of the House of Deputies considered null and void, this "appointment of 3 representatives of CSPJ" by the President, in the absence of a quorum to vote.

Turneb Delpé, President of the Convention of Haitian political parties, believes that the setting aside of 5 members CSPJ in the appointment of its 3 representatives, justifies the suspicions of manipulation by the executive of the next CEP.

Me Carlos Hercules, President of the Haiti Bars Federation (FBH), demanding the cancellation of these designations and the resumption of the deliberative process. Vigorously contesting this decision, he speaks of violation [by the President of CSPJ] of standards of deliberation of all assembly, stating that "If this coup passes, we can say goodbye to the independence of the judiciary power."

For the Senator Steven Benoit, it is clear that the President of CSPJ, bequeathed his power to the Head of State that has chosen in his place, the representatives of the Judiciary...

Pierre Esperance, Executive Director of the National Network of Human Rights Defense "The decision of President of CSPJ is unacceptable [...] The explanations provided by Me. Anel Alexis Joseph to justify its decision does not stand up."

For his part, Lucien Jura, the Spokesman of the Presidency, declines all responsibility of the Head of State in the appointment of representatives of CSPJ, stating that it is "an aberration of wanting implicate the President in a record that regards another power," ensuring that "the Head of State, has no desire to manipulate elections [...] with the slow pace that there was, the President of the Republic saw fit to boost somehow the two other powers, he wrote them, and it paid off, to the extent that yesterday evening, the Presidency, received a letter from the Judicial Power that expressed the appointment of its 3 members, a designation that was made in complete independence, without interference, without any participation of the Executive [...]"

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