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Haiti - Education : Constructive discussions between Students and the President Martelly
13/09/2012 09:38:56

Haiti - Education : Constructive discussions between Students and the President Martelly
The President Michel Martelly, accompanied by some members of the Ministerial cabinet met Wednesday with representatives of the student community and hundreds of students from Les Cayes, Cap Haitien, Jacmel, Gonaives and Port-au-Prince, at the Municipal Palace of Delmas, around the issue of the functioning of the State University of Haiti (UEH) and measures of correction to bring.

"By placing education as a priority of government, I want to offer to the next generation the means enabling them to be better integrate into the society of tomorrow. I think it is also important to focus on higher education by sending a clear signal to the university youth," declared the Head of State.

During several hours, the President, in an open dialogue, collected the grievances of students. The problems relating, among others, to the quality of higher education, to the level and availability of teachers, the insufficient number of faculties available a the the difficult integration of students in public administration were debated.

After discussion, the President Martelly, who was joined by the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, has officially announced a dialogue with the Rectorate of the State University of Haiti, in order to discuss of the implementation of the following resolutions, that have been adopted in these assizes :

In the short term :

  • Establishment of a Support Office to assist the students during the preparation of their output memory ;
  • Publication of a presidential decree concerning a compulsory social service (with possibility of bonus of internship) ;
  • Donation of 18,000 gourdes per year per student (now the number of students is estimated at 22 000) ;
  • Distribution of a certain number of scholarships of specialization to students.

In Medium and long term :

  • Construction of a campus in the West (the President Martelly wishes that the 400 million gourdes, intended to build several universities across the country, are preferably used for this campus, while waiting to think other regions) ;
  • Creation of a gateway of communication between the Executive and the academic community on permanent basis

Mr. Vanneur Pierre, Minister of Education, indicated that an operational plan is now available within the Ministry to better understand the issues related to higher education. For his part, Mr. Wilson Laleau, Minister of Commerce, announced that a set of measures is intended to establish a climate conducive to job creation to meet the needs of young people, noting that 4.8 million Haitians aged 15-35 years, were identified in the country.

"The problems faced by the UEH are not too different from those faced in other sectors of national life... My role as Head of State, is not to complain, but rather to provide solutions to the various problems," explained the President of the Republic.

In addition, the Head of State has informed that 8 preliminary draft Law on Education will be tabled in Parliament by early 2013, 3 of which related to higher education : the preliminary draft law on the organization of higher education ; the preliminary draft law on the creation of a National Agency for Higher Education and Scientific Research and the preliminary draft law reforming the State University of Haiti, and also announced the increase from next year, of the part of budget allocated to higher education.

About the brain drain, the administration Martelly-Lamothe working on the integration of young graduates in public administration. Also, a credit program, in favor of students is under study. "The fund is already identified for this purpose... This will allow university graduates to start their own business," remains convinced the Head of State who has expressed its willingness to continue to sketch the outlines of higher education. "As worth education, as worth the Nation."

Students expressed their satisfaction to have attended the meeting and congratulated the President Martelly for his commitment to higher education.

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