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Haiti - Elections : The Executive proposes a College of Interim Management of CEP
15/11/2012 08:12:45

Haiti - Elections : The Executive proposes a College of Interim Management of CEP
The representatives of the Presidency on Wednesday met at the National Palace, the members of the Bicameral Commission in order to find a solution allowing the implementation of the Electoral Council. Following the renewed request of members of the Parliamentary Commission to form a Transitional Electoral Council, the delegation of the Executive Branch, proposed a new formula of compromise: the formation of a College of Interim Management of Permanent Electoral Council...

Minutes of the meeting held at the National Palace between parliamentarians and representatives of the Executive dated November 14, 2012 :

"Us, representatives of Religions for Peace Haiti, facilitators in the search for solutions for the establishment of a body responsible to achieve the next election, has found the presence of :

A parliamentary commission composed : of Senators Lucas Saint-Vil and Jean William Jeanty, of Deputies Guerda Benjamin and Vickens Dérilus ;

A delegation of Executive Power comoosed of : HE Michel Joseph Martelly, Joseph Lambert, Youri Latortue, Grégory Mayard–Paul, Pierre Antoine Louis, Emmanuel Ménard and of Jean Rodolphe Joazile.

After the usual greetings and the presentation of the situation made ​​by each parties, representatives of Parliament have proposed to form a Transitional Electoral Council with a clear mandat : organize the next elections. The delegation of the Executive, for its part, after having revealed that it could not change what had already been done constitutionally, namely the creation of the Permanent Electoral Council whose six members have sworn and have been installed, but aware that it is necessary to reach a compromise solution, proposed the following : the formation of a College of Interim Management of Permanent Electoral Council, to be approved by the Government and the legislature. The College is composed of nine members serving provisionally only to organize the next elections. The Parliament will designate its three representatives following a procedure which will be indicated by the latter, while the six members already designated in the Electoral Institution will sit on the College of Interim Management. The mandate of the nine members of the College will end with the publication of the final results of the elections. Once these results announced, the six members appointed constitutionally will resume their place in the Permanent Electoral Council and the Legislative Power will designate the hree members missing to the permanent institution.

At this stage, the Parliamentary Committee has informed it will report to Parliament. The presidential delegation, for its part, will present this proposal to the entire executive branch.

In addition, it was agreed that the Parliamentary Delegation will akk to the President of the National Assembly to send an official letter to the President of the Republic concerning the convening in a National Assembly Extraordinary so far remained pending.

Afterwards, the members of delegations are separated pending the holding of the next meeting.

After the reading of these minutes in the presence of the Parliamentary and Presidential Delegation, we signed it together with a representative from each delegation.

Made at the National Palace Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012."

Follow the signatures :
Rev. pastor Clément JOSEPH, Religions for Peace
Senator Jean William JEANTY, Parliamentary Delegation
Me Pierre Antoine LOUIS, Presidential delegation

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