Haiti - Agriculture : Project of distribution of 10,000 goats - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - Agriculture : Project of distribution of 10,000 goats
09/12/2012 10:34:57

Haiti - Agriculture : Project of distribution of 10,000 goats
Earlier this week, Michel Chancy, Secretary of State for Animal Production, accompanied by Arnoux Séverin, holder of the Directorate, Departmental Agricultural West, presented to local authorities in La Gonâve, the general lines of the project of distribution of 10,000 goats to 5.000 peasant families across the country. The budget estimated at 40 million gourdes will be affected not only to the purchase of 10,000 goats and 200 male goats but also to the development of 5,000 enclosures, for the veterinary care and conduct training sessions.

"This idea came during a meeting of the Commission responsible for the fight against malnutrition, we opted for this project of goat distribution. Because we felt it important to make resources available to these families instead of giving them money," explained Michel Chancy, who stated to participants that "The main objective is to create wealth in the ten departments of the country from raising goats. Other objectives are to increase the income of 5,000 families and promote goat breeding [...]" stressing that Haiti exports 30% of goats to the Dominican Republic.

As part of this project, the beneficiary families will each receive two goats and sign a contract engaging them to gives the first young goats to the Committee. Mr. Chancy said that the government would buy goats in the town where they will be distributed. However, to ensure the improvement of livestock, the government will purchase 200 male goats in various parts of the country.

The Secretary of State also spoke about the process and criteria for the selection of families : "The communal Committee of livestock protection will identify families who are in need. 75% of beneficiaries must be women. 10% of goats should be distributed to persons with any disabilities [...]"

While some participants welcomed the project, others believe that the number of goats provided by family is insufficient, the agronomist Arnoux Séverin, reminded to hose who criticize this aspect of the project, that it was necessary to begin with a first step, whatever the length of the road ahead...

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