
Haiti - Politic : Important Cabinet Reshuffle 23/01/2013 06:03:11
The Communication Office of the Primature inform the general public, that by order of the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, approved by the President of the Republic, Michel Martelly, it was proceeded to a cabinet reshuffle.
It should be noted that 7 ministers, Ronsard Saint-Cyr, Minister of the Interior and Territorial Communities, Josepha Raymond Gauthier, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, Jean Mario Dupuy, Minister of Culture, Ady Jean Gardy, Minister communication, Jean Vilmond Hilaire, Minister of the Environment, Jean René Roosevelt, Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action and Daniel Supplice Minister of Haitians living abroad have been replaced during this reshuffle.
Considering articles 133, 136, 137, 155, 156, 158, 159.1, 162, 163, 164, 166, 168, 169, 169.1, 170 et 171 de la Constitution;
Given the Decree of 4 May 2012 of President appointing the Prime Minister;
Given the Decree of 6 August 2012 appointing the members of the ministerial cabinet;
Given the resignation of the members of the ministerial cabinet;
Considering that it is appropriate to appoint a new ministerial cabinet ;
The Ministers
Article 1.-
- The Citizen Laurent Salvador LAMOTHE is appointed Minister of Planning and External Cooperation ;
- The Citizen David BAZILE is appointed Minister of the Interior and Territorial Communities (replaces Ronsard Saint-Cyr) ;
- The Citizen Pierre Richard CASIMIR is appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship ;
- The Citizen Jean Renel SANON is appointed Minister of Justice and Public Security ;
- The Citizen Marie Carmelle JEAN MARIE is appointed Minister of Economy and Finance ;
- The Citizen Thomas JACQUES is appointed Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development ;
- The Citizen Jacques ROUSSEAU is appointed Minister of Public Works, Transport, Energy and Communications ;
- The Citizen Wilson LALEAU is appointed Minister of Trade and Industry ;
- The Citizen Stéphanie Balmir VILLEDROUIN is appointed Minister of Tourism ;
- The Citizen Vanneur PIERRE is appointed Minister of National Education and Vocational Training ;
- The Citizen Florence Duperval GUILLAUME is appointed Minister of Public Health and Population ;
- The Citizen Charles JEAN-JACQUES, is appointed Minister of Social Affairs and Labour (replaces Josépha Raymond Gauthier) ;
- The Citizen Josette DARGUSTE, is appointed Minister of Culture (replaces Jean Mario Dupuy) ;
- The Citizen Régine GODEFROY, is appointed Minister of Communications (replaces Ady Jean Gardy) ;
- The Citizen Yanick MÉZILE is appointed Minister for the Status of Women and Women's Rights ;
- The Citizen Jean Rodolphe JOAZILE, is appointed Minister of Defence ;
- The Citizen Magalie RACINE, s appointed Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action (replaces Jean Roosevelt René) ;
- The Citizen Jean François THOMAS, is appointed Minister of the Environment (replaces Jean Vilmond Hilaire) ;
- The Citizen Bernice FIDELIA, is appointed Minister of Haitians Living Abroad (replaces Daniel Supplice) ;
- The Citizen Ralph THÉANO is appointed Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister responsible for Relations with Parliament;
- The Citizen Marie Carmelle Rose Anne AUGUSTE is appointed Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister responsible for Human Rights and the fight against extreme poverty ;
- The Citizen Marie Mimose FÉLIX is appointed Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister responsible for promoting the peasantry ;
- The Citizen René JEAN-JUMEAU is appointed Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister responsible for Energy Security ;
The Secretary of State
Article 2.-
- The Citizen Réginald DELVA is appointed Secretary of State for Public Safety ;
- The Citizen Philippe CINÉAS is appointed Secretary Of State for Public Works and Transport ;
- The Citizen Fresnel DORCIN, is appointed Secretary Of State for Vegetable Production;
- The Citizen Michel CHANCY is appointed Secretary Of State for Animal Production ;
- The Citizen Vernet JOSEPH is appointed Secretary Of State for Agricultural Renewal ;
- The Citizen Ronald DÉCEMBRE is appointed Secretary Of State to the Fiscal Reform ;
- The Citizen Oswald THIMOLÉON is appointed Secretary Of State for Literacy ;
- The Citizen Marina GOURGUES is appointed Secretary Of State for Vocational Training ;
- The Citizeb Gérald ORIOL is appointed Secretary Of State for Integration of Persons with Disabilities ;
- The Citizen Robert LABROUSSE is appointed Secretary Of State for External Cooperation.
Article 3.- A certified copy of this Order will be handed to each interested.
Article 4.- This Order will be printed, published and executed for law.
Given to the Primature, to Port-au-Prince, January 21, 2013 ;
210th Year of Independence.
By the Prime Minister : Laurent Salvador LAMOTHE
Seen and approved by the President: Michel Joseph MARTELLY
HL/ HaitiLibre