Haiti - NOTICE : Beginning of rehabilitation works of circuits of the Metropolitan area - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - NOTICE : Beginning of rehabilitation works of circuits of the Metropolitan area
27/02/2013 12:19:43

Haiti - NOTICE : Beginning of rehabilitation works of circuits of the Metropolitan area
The Directorate General of Electricity of Haiti (EDH) informs its customers and the general public, that as part of the rehabilitation project of circuits of the metropolitan area, which will begin in part on the road of Kenscoff, from February 27, 2013 to March 2, 2013, the residents, between Thomassin 37 until Obléon, will be deprived of electricity during the period from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

In addition, the EDH announced that poles will be installed between Thomassin 37 and the entrance of Fort Jacques, to facilitate the distribution of electricity via cables of medium and low voltage, which will also be rehabilitated.

To this end, the EDH solicits the understanding and support of the population, especially of truck drivers, to facilitate the execution of its work in the best conditions and deadlines.

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