Haiti - Agriculture : Launch of the campaign to identify cows - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Agriculture : Launch of the campaign to identify cows
12/04/2013 09:24:46

Haiti - Agriculture : Launch of the campaign to identify cows
In recent years, many national organizations of farmers and producers and other local authorities have started alarm bells to attract the attention of policy makers on the issue of theft of livestock. The latter represents one of the main problems of the rural economy.

In response to this situation, the Ministries of Agriculture, of the Justice and Interior, in partnership with the National Associations, of Boards of Directors of the Communal Sections (CASEC) and other organizations of civil society, have agreed to propose a National System of Identification of livestock and control of slaughter.

Wednesday, Thomas Jacques, Minister of Agriculture, at the 13th Council of Government, presented the national identification system of livestock and control of slaughter, noting that beef farming in Haiti represented for the economy, revenues estimated between 180 and 200 million dollars.

This identification system for cows, will nclude an identification number, identification booklet and a national registry. The number of the pair of earrings of the animal, and the owner's name will be listed in the book and in a national registry. This device will also allow to build a system of traceability of meat, which is essential to meet the standards and resume, among other, the exports in the market of Caribbean countries.

By the end of 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture hopes that all cows in the country are identified. A pilot has been launched on 2 April in Limonade in the Department of North.

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