Haiti - Politic : Several MOUs signed with Brazil - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : Several MOUs signed with Brazil
22/05/2013 11:23:06

Haiti - Politic : Several MOUs signed with Brazil
Tuesday, as part of his official visit to Brazil, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, met at Planelto Palace, headquarters of the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Brazil, with Marco Aurelio Garcia, the Special Adviser of the President Dilma Rousseff.

During this meeting, it was mainly question to solve quickly the problems of energy of Haiti and increase the pace of the reconstruction of infrastructure to succeed in attracting Brazilian investors. The Head of the Government of Haiti and his interlocutor also discussed several important issues, including the need for a complete redefinition of bilateral policy for its reorientation towards a strategic partnership based on cooperation, trade and investment.

The Prime Minister Lamothe has also expressed its wish to welcome in Haiti the Brazilian football seclection in a friendly match against the Grenadiers.

The Prime Minister then went to the the Itamaraty Palace, headquarters of the Ministry of External Relations of Brazil, to meet with Ambassador Antonio de Aguiar Patriota, Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the increasing in the collaboration between the two nations and signed several memoranda of understanding.

The Head of the Government of Haiti and the Brazilian Minister of External Affairs, agreed to work to facilitate the ratification of an agreement of type "Hope-Help" between Brazil and Haiti. Such an agreement will guarantee in the textile sector, of Brazilian massive investment in Haiti and also help create thousands of jobs.

The Prime Minister Lamothe also addressed the issue of production, distribution and consumption of bioethanol with his interlocutor. Aware that Brazil has an internationally recognized expertise, in the technology of production of biofuels, the Head of Government wants to extend its cooperation in this sector, with the Brazilian Government.

The MOUs between Haiti and Brazil focus increasing trade, training of Haitian diplomats, investment promotion, and technical cooperation in agriculture. A particular agreement in agriculture calls for increasing food safety through the improvement of seed production and the training of small farmers. The Brazilian government agreed to work with the Haitian government to find ways to establish preferential terms for the sale of buses, police pick-up trucks, police gear and communication equipment.

On the sidelines of these exchanges, the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding stating especially their common interest to strengthen their cooperation for the recovery of agricultural production capacity essential for food security. They also signed an agreement in the fields of information and experiences related to their programs of study and research, under the terms of this agreement, the responsibilities will be distributed as follows :

  • The Parties will cooperate in the field of exchange of information and experiences in their respective programs of study and research, courses, seminars and other academic training ;
  • The Parties will stimulate exchanges among students, diplomats, teachers, officials, experts and researchers ;
  • The Parties will support the study and research as well as exchange of national and international publications in areas of common interest ;
  • The Parties will exchange information and views on trends and international developments in the field of training, education and research on diplomacy as well as tools for digital education.

After giving a joint press conference with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the Palace of Itamaraty, Prime Minister Lamothe went to the "Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek" Brasilia International Airport to take a flight for São Paulo.

On his arrival at the airport of Congonhas (São Paulo), the Head of the Government of Haiti, was welcomed by Ambassador Fernando Barreto, Head of the Representation Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sao Paulo. Upon arrival, the Prime Minister had a long conversation with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, former President of Brazil. Thereafter, Laurent Lamothe went to Brasilinvest headquarters, where he met with its President, Mr. Mario Garnero.

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