Haiti - Agriculture : MoA for the marketing of fresh products 21/06/2013 09:16:36 Took part in this signature, Wilson Laleau, acting Minister of Tradend Industry, some officials of the Ministry, the Reverend Father Occide Jean, founder of the ANC, Mrs. Slith Clotilde, oordinator and accounting of the association and the Colonel Gracia Jean, lawyer of "Afè Nèg Combite". The project of "Support to the marketing of fragile and perishable goodsaims to remove barriers to the marketing of fruits and vegetables across the country such as the lack of physical infrastructure for post harvest operations (collection, transport, processing and packaging) and the inancial problems faced by producers. These weaknesses devalue fruits and vegetables because they do not allow them to access markets with standard requirements. herefore, much of these products are lost after harvest. "We must stop this waste," said Minister Laleau, announced for mid-July the inauguration of the vegetable packaging center in Kenscoff, for the processing, conditioning, packaging and distribution of products in shopping malls in the metropolitan area. The MoA allows the ANC receivable from the MCI, in addition to the rehabilitation works of the building already completed, adequate facilities (cold room, generator, etc...), the technical assistance, and skilled human resources for optimal functioning of the Centre to increase productivity and ensure the quality of fruits and vegetables harvested in Kenscoff and its surroundings. With over 70% of the population of Kenscoff living from agriculture, "this project executed by the MCI is a concrete step towards the revival of the national production, it being understood that other cities of the country will welcome timely the same project," stressed the Reverend visibly pleased with the signing of this agreement. HL/ HaitiLibre
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