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Haiti - Technology : Launch of Network of Schools REPTICE
28/08/2013 11:46:08

Haiti - Technology : Launch of Network of Schools REPTICE
Tuesday, the College of Côte Plage of Carrefour proceeded to the launch to the Knowledge and Freedom Foundation (FOKAL), of the Network of Schools of Program Information Technology, Communication and Energy (REPTICE). This is an electrification project using solar energy for rural schools, which is supported by the Ministry of National Education, the National Commission for UNESCO and a partnership between FOKAL and World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE).

8 schools currently participating in the program REPTICE : l'école nationale Fort Ogé (Bas Cap Rouge), the National School Jean Marie Vincent (Baradères), the Community School Caille en Rond (Bainet), the National School Baron (Fond des Nègres), the priestly school if Morisseau (Lazile), the National School Belle Vue La Montagne (Jacmel), the mixed school Gros Cheval (Fonds-Verrettes) and the National School Charettes (Artibonite). Four of them already have an electrification by solar panel system and a multimedia system.

Located in rural areas, the vast majority of schools are generally devoid of material, financial and human resources needed. The limited funds available in these schools are far from covering the expenses for the use on a regular basis, of audiovisual materials even of low power or generator. The solar panels are assembled by students of College Côte Plage of Carrefour that also carry the work of electrification and installation of the multimedia system.

Also from 27 to 29 August, the College of Côte Plage met the teachers and directors of schools beneficiaries of the project, for a training seminar on the use of Information Technology, Communications and Energy (ICTE) in the classroom.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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