Agriculture : Culture, livestock, fisheries, seeds, GMO, crops, import-export, market, news... |

Haiti - Agriculture : FAO distributes seeds... of the discord... 29/04/2012 10:04:32 |
Many growers of Petit-Goâve, harshly criticized the local office of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for a bad seed sharing... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : Growing investments 28/04/2012 10:41:17 |
At present, the IDB’s agricultural portfolio in Haiti consists of projects totaling $200 million, substantially focused on some of the country’s principal growing areas in the Artibonite and Northern regions... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : 94 young graduates in agricultural techniques 25/04/2012 09:59:37 |
94 young people aged 18 and 25 (30% women) from 10 municipalities of north, have been graduated in Cap-Haitien, after an intensive six-month training in agricultural techniques... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : Measures to encourage the agricultural sector 23/04/2012 13:13:41 |
The Minister of Agriculture is committed to taking all measures to encourage the Haitian producers. Among these provisions we can mention : the establishment of a land bank to lower rates, a crop insurance... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : Closing of the agricultural project of the ADRA in Petit-Goâve 22/04/2012 10:40:29 |
...« Agricultural yields of peasants of Trouchouchou, increased significantly through the implementation of this program,» declared the agr. Frenel, Director of the Communal Agricultural Bureau of Petit-Goâve who congratulated the leaders of the ADRA... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : Tripartite Agreement U.S. - Brazil - Haiti 11/04/2012 15:21:06 |
The Governments of the United States and of Brazil have Monday formalized a partnership to improve food security in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Memorandum of Understanding begins with a trilateral agreement with the Government of Haiti... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : Weekend of work in the Northwest for the Minister of Agriculture 09/04/2012 09:57:12 |
My mission in the Northwest, was impregnated with emotion. [...] The 8-month drought, have in no way altered the warmth of these citizens, who did not hide their joy, while expressing their fears... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : Update of the projections of food security until June 2012 02/04/2012 14:08:17 |
The second major rice harvest in the Artibonite start in April. But it will be below average, as rice farmers have had access to less than 50% of the amount of fertilizer needed to develop this culture... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : «Everybody comes with its own flag and wants to do something...» 02/04/2012 13:31:20 |
...the participants countries recognized that the situation in Haiti was not a question of resources « the necessary resources are clearly there, but Haiti is perhaps the example of the difficulties of coordination of emergency programs... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : 82 technicians Dominicans and Haitians attended an advanced course 26/03/2012 13:23:13 |
A group of 82 technicians from Haiti and the Dominican Republic attended an advanced course on agricultural quarantine, pests and diseases [in crops and livestock]... |
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