Environnement on HaitiLibre.com, Erosion, reforestation, climate, weather, pollution, news..., Haiti news 7/7

iciHaiti - Justice : Independent human rights expert visits the OPC

iciHaiti - Ultimatum : Obligation to label all prepackaged products

iciHaiti - Feminist : «Political Framework for an Effective and Equitable Transition»

iciHaiti - Insecurity : Odious assassination of Jean Dramane Simon, executive of the Ministry...

iciHaiti - Health : Establishment of a Blood Bank for the PNH

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Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Education : Training of trainers for the 4 new subjects of the 3rd cycle of fundamental education

Haiti - Corruption : Towards the protection of whistleblowers

Haiti - FLASH : The death toll rises, 79 victims including 26 dead

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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Environnement : Erosion, reforestation, climate, weather, pollution, news...

Haiti - Environment : US$22.4 million for the Trois-Rivières watershed
Haiti - Environment : US$22.4 million for the Trois-Rivières watershed
05/12/2023 09:27:19
Veronica Marquez, Representative of the Green Climate Fund and Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, Executive Director of UNDP, signed an agreement in Dubai for the implementation of the project « Enhanced resilience to climate change in the watershed...
Haiti - Environment : Haiti’s intervention at COP28
Haiti - Environment : Haiti’s intervention at COP28
03/12/2023 09:45:19
Friday, December 1st, 2023 at COP28 held in Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) Ms. Gerty Pierre, Director of the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment of Haiti, participated in a discussion panel...
Haiti - Environment : Haiti welcomes the decision to make the fund for losses and damages operational
Haiti - Environment : Haiti welcomes the decision to make the fund for losses and damages operational
02/12/2023 08:33:23
During the 28th COP28 in Dubai, Haiti alongside Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States Haiti welcomed the adoption of the decision to make operational the fund for losses and damages due to climate change...
Haiti - Environment : Closure of the hurricane season (Report)
Haiti - Environment : Closure of the hurricane season (Report)
01/12/2023 08:55:39
Thursday, November 30, the General Directorate of Civil Protection announced the official end of the 2023 hurricane season, a critical period of high exposure of Haiti to hydrometeorological events...
Haiti - COP28 : Summary of Haiti’s priorities
Haiti - COP28 : Summary of Haiti’s priorities
27/11/2023 08:45:05
La 28ème Conférence des Parties (COP28) à la Convention-cadre des Nations-Unies sur les changements climatiques se déroulera aux Émirats Arabe-Unis à Dubaï, du 30 novembre au 12 décembre 2023...
Haiti - FLASH : Haiti under torrential rains on orange alert
Haiti - FLASH : Haiti under torrential rains on orange alert
18/11/2023 05:58:39
According to Marcelin Estherlin, Coordinator of the Haitian Hydro Meteorological Unit (UHM), the tropical depression will bring heavy amounts of rain between 200 to 300 millimeters...
Haiti - FLASH : The country under threat of a tropical depression placed on yellow alert
Haiti - FLASH : The country under threat of a tropical depression placed on yellow alert
17/11/2023 05:01:51
An area of low pressure developed into a tropical depression Thursday evening. The National Hurricane Center predicts an 80% probability that this depression will become a tropical storm...
Haiti - FLASH : 4.2 earthquake in Artibonite
Haiti - FLASH : 4.2 earthquake in Artibonite
15/11/2023 15:46:00
This Wednesday, November 15, 2023, an earthquake of magnitude 4.2 on the Richter scale was recorded at...
Haiti - FLASH : 5.2 earthquake felt in northern Haiti
Haiti - FLASH : 5.2 earthquake felt in northern Haiti
10/11/2023 13:36:39
This Friday, November 10, 2023 at 12:22 p.m. and 26 seconds in the afternoon, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.2 on the Richter scale was recorded...
Haiti - FLASH : The Camp-Perrin Germplasm Center threatened with disappearance
Haiti - FLASH : The Camp-Perrin Germplasm Center threatened with disappearance
06/11/2023 08:28:46
Ecological associations are joining forces to alert state authorities to the imminent threat of the disappearance of the Levy Germplasm Center, the first municipal section of Camp-Perrin (South)...

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