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Justice : Justice, Law, text, court, judge, trial

Haiti - Justice : 3rd mission of Michel Forst on the Human Rights
Haiti - Justice : 3rd mission of Michel Forst on the Human Rights
18/02/2011 13:39:58
The UN Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Haiti, Michel Forst, will visit Haiti from 20 to 27 February to evaluate the situation since his last mission in September 2010...
Haiti - Justice : Two candidates claim an investigation on Edmond Mulet
Haiti - Justice : Two candidates claim an investigation on Edmond Mulet
15/02/2011 11:28:56
The presidential candidates, Jean Henry Céant Yves Crystalline and their lawyers, speaking formally and legally to the United Nations Secretary-General, demanding the opening of an investigation to determine whether the conduct, throughout the electoral pr
Haiti - Justice : Should we judge Duvalier or his regime ?
Haiti - Justice : Should we judge Duvalier or his regime ?
13/02/2011 08:44:49
Haitians who suffered under Duvalier's rule deserve justice, and all Haitians deserve to know what happened during that dark period...
Haiti - Justice :
Haiti - Justice : "Baby doc" was not at the Rendez-vous...
10/02/2011 12:41:34
Former President Jean-Claude Duvalier, was convened yesterday Wednesday at the new Palace of Justice, by the Judge Jean Carver, the purpose of this convening is unknown...
Haiti - Justice : Arrests of militants contested
Haiti - Justice : Arrests of militants contested
09/02/2011 09:43:10
Me Mario Joseph, the head of the BAI, threatening to file complaints against the Police Nationale d'Haiti (PNH), whom he accuses to have broke into his office without a warrant in order to arrest...
Haiti - Justice : Duvalier has perhaps forgotten, but the people, remembers...
Haiti - Justice : Duvalier has perhaps forgotten, but the people, remembers...
28/01/2011 11:20:51
Bringing Duvalier to justice and giving him a fair trial, would show Haitians that the state still functions, that it can still perform the most basic of duties : punish those who commit the worst crimes...
Haiti - Justice : UNASUR recommends a strengthening of the justice facing Duvalier
Haiti - Justice : UNASUR recommends a strengthening of the justice facing Duvalier
27/01/2011 17:52:30
Mattarollo says that justice in Haiti remained fragile and weak and unable to judge the crimes committed during the Duvalier dictatorship between 1971 and 1986). He recommends that the proceedings against the former dictator be accompanied by...
Haiti - Justice : Prosecution against Duvalier, Jean William Jeanty septic
Haiti - Justice : Prosecution against Duvalier, Jean William Jeanty septic
27/01/2011 12:37:17
The senator does not believe, despite complaints from victims, filed against the former dictator, that justice can be rendered in a judicial system corrupt and sold to those who just pay the most...
Haiti - Justice : Strengthening the capacity of justice sector
Haiti - Justice : Strengthening the capacity of justice sector
15/01/2011 09:51:56
The United Nations Development Programme United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) delivered this week, to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), a facility semi-provisional of 250 sqm equipped with 30 workstations...
Haiti - Justice : Work report 2010 of the PNH for the department of South-East
Haiti - Justice : Work report 2010 of the PNH for the department of South-East
10/01/2011 14:40:04
The departmental direction of Police in South-East presented its work report for the year 2010. According Petit Jacques Onécifort, regional spokesman of this institution this year has been extremely difficult...

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