Security : Justice, police, army, training, news... |

Haiti - FLASH : Kenyan assessment of pacified areas under control 18/09/2024 09:43:21 |
The last three weeks have seen targeted and sustained joint security operations conducted by MMSS and PNH personnel in gang-controlled areas... |
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Haiti - FLASH : The death toll rises, 79 victims including 26 dead 16/09/2024 08:51:47 |
The Ministry of Public Health informs that since Saturday its various departments have been fully mobilized to provide support to the victims of the tragic explosion of a tanker truck in Miragoâne... |
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Haiti - Security : The Bahamas will deploy troops next week... 15/09/2024 09:23:13 |
Brigadier General William E. Temple, a senior US official, held a closed-door meeting with Godfrey Otunge, Commander of the Kenyan Mission and Lieutenant Colonel Kevron Henry, Deputy Commander for the Jamaican Forces...
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Haiti - FLASH : Tanker truck explosion, at least 64 victims (Video) 15/09/2024 05:58:49 |
On Saturday, September 14, the explosion of a tanker truck in Miragoâne caused at least 64 victims while local residents, unaware of the danger, were recovering the fuel that was leaking from a tanker truck following an accident with another truck... |
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Haiti - FLASH : The deployment of Benin troops in uncertainty 14/09/2024 09:53:19 |
Shegun Adjadi Bakari, Benin's Minister of Foreign Affairs, recalls: « [...] From the beginning... we have made it clear that what Haiti needs is not a police mission. We believe that a military mission is needed in Haiti... |
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Haiti - FLASH : Football match sparks gang war in Cité Soleil 13/09/2024 10:25:55 |
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 in the evening, during the final of a football championship opposing two teams from Cité Soleil, Boston against Simon Pelé... |
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Haiti - Security : The advance guard of Jamaica and Belize has arrived (Video) 13/09/2024 09:50:02 |
Thursday, September 12, 2024, as announced by Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness on September 10, an advance guard of 20 soldiers and 4 police officers from the Jamaican contingent out of the 200 men promised... |
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Haiti - Trinidad : Haiti at the meeting of the Group of Experts on Maritime Drug Trafficking 11/09/2024 10:32:31 |
On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at the Hyatt Trinidad, the Ministry of National Security held the opening ceremony of the meeting of the Group of Experts on Maritime Drug Trafficking... |
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Haiti - FLASH : «D-1» Pre-deployment of Jamaica 11/09/2024 06:53:17 |
On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness announced that his government would deploy to Haiti on Thursday, September 12... |
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Haiti - FLASH : Kenyan Commander announces arrival of contingents from 3 other countries 08/09/2024 07:10:24 |
On Saturday, September 7, Godfrey Otunge, the Kenyan Commander of the Multinational Security Support Mission, held an important meeting. He announced that... |
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