Reconstruction : Housing, rehabilitation, public services, roads, airports, ports, industries, news... |

Haiti - Reconstruction : $35 million for the electricity sector 26/07/2011 15:13:08 |
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a $35 million grant to support Haiti's efforts to modernize its energy sector and improve the financial and operational management of the state power company, Electricité d'Haïti... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : The IHRC at the time Martelly 25/07/2011 12:02:55 |
The seventh working meeting of the Board of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) held last Friday, took place under the sign of the change and the new directions sought by the Head of State to improve the performance of... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : Martelly requests the renewal of the IHRC 23/07/2011 14:24:00 |
During the 7th meeting of the Board of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), the President of the Republic, Michel Martelly, requested the renewal of the mandate of the IHRC for a period of 12 months... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : The rehousing a priority for Martelly, the IHRC and the HRF 23/07/2011 11:44:51 |
Yesterday, the President of the Republic, Michel Martelly, attended the 7th meeting of the Board of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), during this meeting the President pleaded the cause of hundreds of thousands of people... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : Insulza in favor of a great national agreement 23/07/2011 09:37:56 |
The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today offered strong backing for the work of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) and called on all sectors of the country... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : Improved access to drinking water in Cité Soleil 22/07/2011 14:29:58 |
In Cité Soleil, two pumping stations have been put back into operation after renovation work by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in close cooperation with the competent authorities... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : Opening of the Expo Habitat to the Zoranger 22/07/2011 12:31:26 |
Yesterday Thursday, opened the Exhibition of Prototype Houses and the technology site, Green environment to the Zoranger, were present the President of the Republic, Michel Martelly, former U.S. President Bill Clinton... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : Interrogations on the program Kay Pa'm 22/07/2011 10:14:56 |
Camille Chalmers, Secretary General of the PAPDA said on Wednesday, following the launch of the project Kay Pa'm on Tuesday that as designed by the Haitian government the project has serious flaws... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : 7th meeting of the IHRC 21/07/2011 10:25:56 |
This Thursday, July 21, 2011 and tomorrow July 22, will be held the 7th meeting of the Board of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) [...] Parallely, at 3pm the President Martelly will decorate the President Clinton at the National Palace... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : The program «Kay Pa’m» is launched 20/07/2011 14:02:26 |
...Immediately operational, the project Kay Pa'm has the merit to strengthen my message about the urgent need to turn to the final reconstruction. The project Kay Pa'm is also bearer of an economic recovery more than ever necessary... |
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