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Haiti - Security : Meeting in Washington with the Inter-American Defense Board
20/05/2014 10:05:07

Haiti - Security : Meeting in Washington with the Inter-American Defense Board
Monday, Duly Brutus, the Minister of Foreign Affairs , accompanied by former Major Lener Renauld , the Minister of Defense held a working meeting in Washington DC with the team of the Inter-American Defense Board (Junta Interamericana de Defensa - JID) to monitor the procet of security and national defense, initiated by President Michel Martelly February 7, 2014, which had expressed during his visit, his desire to have a strategic document on issues of national security and defense, in the perspective to fill the security vacuum that could cause the gradual withdrawal of the Minustah.

This working session was an opportunity for the Inter-American Defense Board to respond positively to the wishes of President Martelly to implement a security system and of national defense and presented to the Chancellor and the Minister of Defence, the project of a white Paper on security and defense of Haiti, similar to many white papers developed by European States and Latin America.

Chancellor Duly Brutus took the opportunity to indicate the strategic horizon of the White Paper for Haiti. He expressed hope that this white paper "helps us design a system of security and defense able to support efforts to achieve economic and social development; ensure stability while restoring confidence in the regalian state institutions; strengthen the confidence of international investors who will be able to invest in a peaceful social environment."

For his part, former Major Lener Renauld stressed that "a State that is unable to ensure the safety of its citizens and the defense of its territory is a reduced State." "That's why Martelly-Lamothe Administration intends to work with Latin American partners, including the Inter-American Defense Board to put Haiti in the concert of Nation historically proud of their full sovereignty.

In addition, the Chancellor Duly Brutus announced that the Administration Martelly-Lamothe would work tirelessly with the Board and the different actors involved in Haiti by the question, for this white paper on security and defense, is presented to the General Assembly of the OAS to be held in Haiti in 2015 on the theme "security and economic development."

Finally, the Inter-American Defense Board has also responded positively to the wishes expressed by the President Martelly during his February visit to see the Inter-American Defense College, accommodate twenty Haitian scholars over a period of two years from July 2014.

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