Haiti - Politic : Toward the construction of a wall along the Dominican border ? - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : Toward the construction of a wall along the Dominican border ?
06/06/2014 10:31:05

Haiti - Politic : Toward the construction of a wall along the Dominican border ?
The new Dominican Deputy for the National District, the highly influential Vinicio Castillo indicated in an interview with Julian Valdes, Director of the Political Observatory Dominican "For me, there is a crucial issue for the Dominican Republic, its sovereignty [...] recalling that between the two nations, which share the island, there is a physical boundary, which requires urgent action to allow a strict immigration control."

He said that the Dominican Republic was invaded by Haitian nationals "We are experiencing a peaceful invasion of an indigent population, full of problems, which shares the island with us [...]" Faced with this situation, he intends to propose a popular initiative, alongside the process of regularization of foreigners, launched by the government last June 2, insisting that "If this process is not accompanied by a strong immigration control, we will have great difficulty," explaining that to this end, he would begin to collect more than 300,000 signatures of Dominicans favorable to the construction of a wall along the border with Haiti, which would complement the existing 17 km of walls.

He stressed that with this petition, he intended to promote a bill for the construction of the wall and in case of difficulty, he it will appeal to a national referendum for the Dominican people can freely decide on whether or not the construction of the wall.

According to Admiral Sigfrido Pared Pérez, Minister of the Dominican defense since the beginning of 2014, more than 25,000 people of Haitian origin, who were trying to enter the country illegally were intercepted by the army and the Specialized Corps for Terrestrial Border Security) (Cesfront) and returned to Haiti. However he said that this number of 5,000 illegal immigrants on average each month is less than the monthly average of 6,500 recorded in the year 2013, because according to him "of the strengthening of the military presence and the new controls that tend to discourage illegal immigration candidates."

In addition, the Minister stated that since the beginning of the national regularization plan, additional measures have been put in place, since there are indications that many Haitians seek to exploit the opportunities offered by the authorities to undocumented aliens and illegally enter the Dominican Republic.

An information, that the statements of Colonel Daniel Camino, the new Commander of the Tenth Battalion of themilitary body of Dajabón, seem to confirm. He explained that since the passing of the law on regularization and naturalization of foreigners living illegally in the Dominican Republic, the interest of thousands of undocumented Haitians rose are more likely to attempt to enter Dominican Republic, induced by a alse rumor in Haiti, suggesting that all illegal get the Dominican residence, which of course is false. He recalled that in the five days following the publication of the law regularization, more than 600 undocumented Haitians were intercepted in transit areas such as Santiago de la Cruz, Copey Cañongo, La Aviacion, Don Miguel and other points of easy penetration.

SL/ HaitiLibre

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