Haiti - Justice : Deputy Bélizaire sow terror in the streets ! - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Justice : Deputy Bélizaire sow terror in the streets !
13/06/2014 09:53:10

Haiti - Justice : Deputy Bélizaire sow terror in the streets !
The actions of Deputy Arnel Bélizaire, who demonstrated last Tuesday against the Government with a war weapon and shot in broad daylight, caused a strong reaction from the Minister of Justice, Jean Renel Sanon.

"The Ministry of Justice and Public Security has he painful duty to remind all those who seem to forget that the rule of law does not accommodate of libertinism. Immunity is not and can not be an excuse for crime and that, wherever it comes from.

The Ministry is surprised of recent actions of deputy of Delmas-Tabarre, Arnel Bélizaire who believed himself entitled to demonstrate, rifle in hand, up to shoot at noon, without good reason, and thus disrupting, the normal course of a peaceful demonstration who wanted to be peaceful. Such drift does not honor its author nor Haiti itself which by this gesture exposes, before the cameras of the world, the image of a country back to the tribal era.

The Ministry of Justice and Public Safety recalls no function, no status or no acquaintance can not ensure impunity to anyone, whether close to the government or the opposition. The establishment of the rule of law in Haiti is irreversible. Anyone found committing an offense must be detained by the police and prosecuted in accordance with the law and the Constitution.

The Ministry believes that republican institutions can not continue to suffer nor of deviance or unjustified excesses of some. It therefore strongly appeal to all relevant authorities in order to avoid the repetition of such acts in their ranks."

After the operation of an armed commando led by Deputy Bélizaire last March against the Courthouse, to subtract a dozen people to justice, followed by the request for waiver of impunity of Deputy by the Minsiter Sanon https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-10805-haiti-justice-the-minister-of-justice-asks-the-lifting-of-the-immunity-of-deputy-belizaire.html we can wonder today if we are really in a Rule of law, while the immunity seems to allow any abuse under the eyes of all...

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