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Haiti - Social : The displaced person asking decent housing
08/09/2010 10:47:58

Haiti - Social : The displaced person asking decent housing
Several organizations of the civil society and leaders of the committee of IDP camps have announced their intention to organize a sit-in outside the new headquarters of interim Prime Minister's Office to the Bicentennial, next Friday.

Reyneld Simon, an executive of one of these organizations, has to specify that this sit-in aimed to "put pressure on the government so that each family moved to gain access to a home [...] the government has as an obligation to guarantee a decent housing with each citizen", he said. [A "free" interpretation of section 22 of the constitution of 1987 where it confuses the recognition of citizenship rights with the obligations of the State. Note however that this interpretation not absolve the responsibilities of the State].

Article 22: 

The State recognizes the right of any citizen to a decent housing, education, the food and the social security.(L'Etat reconnaît le droit de tout citoyen à un logement décent, à l'éducation, à l'alimentation et à la sécurité sociale.)

Simon Reyneld regretted that several owners of land on which the established camps hosting, putting pressure on the occupants to free space when they have nowhere to go.

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