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Haiti - Politic : Arnel Bélizaire excluded from Parliament...
04/07/2014 10:29:28

Haiti - Politic : Arnel Bélizaire excluded from Parliament...
Following the physical aggression in Parliament of Phélito Doran, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of relations with Parliament on 25 June by the Deputy Arnel Bélizaire, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-11455-haiti-flash-belizaire-physically-assaults-a-minister-the-government-condemns.html , Mondays in Conference of Presidents, the deputies agreed after having heard the version of deputy Bélizaire to put this issue at the agenda of a special plenary session.

Wednesday's special session has to be postponed to Thursday due to the absence of the Deputy Arnel Bélizaire. Stevenson Jacques Thimoléon regretted this absence and warned, that with or without the presence of the deputy, he Assembly will take the appropriate decision Thursday.

Thursday, while the Deputy Bélizaire shone once more by his absence, the deputies in plenary decided as punishment, that the Deputy Arnel Bélizaire will be excluded from all activities of Parliament for two months and his salary reduced by 50% during this period.

A disciplinary sanction taken by his colleagues, who have carefully avoided to evoke the requests to lift the parliamentary immunity, repeatedly requested by the Ministry of Justice

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