Haiti - France : MEDEF mission, signed agreements for 10 million euros (updated) 30/09/2010 13:40:07 "With the new investment code, Law on Free Zones, a tax and customs Interestingly, the conditions have never been better to invest," said business leaders, Josseline Colimon-Fethière, Minister Trade and Industry. This mission led by Hugues-Arnaud Mayer Vice-President (France MEDEF), together with fench business leaders such as Adhenéo (restoration of roof), Alstom Holdings for (energy production), ADP ingénierie, AGS, Arcelormittal, Bretagne international, CMA-CGM, OBM Construction, Total, Saint-Gobain Pam, etc. ... Mission that has joined a dozen business leaders from Martinique (Martinique MEDEF) led by its president Cyril Comte, among others: Biométal, SME-Suez environnement, Sotrageic, Ecofip, Montplaisir and Joseph Cottrell. "A dozen cases are in constitution, I think it was fast. Our interlocutors reacted to our visit" said Hugh Mayer Vice President of the Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF) and of the GIE a regrouping of French SME, who welcomed the home found on site "While coming here, I was told that I was in hell, and they made us pay a special risk premium, but when we got there we found people who want to work [...] we are aware risks that may exist, but we are confident to work with our local partners to create jobs in Haiti" Grégory Brandt, President of the Chamber of Commerce Franco-Haitian added "I feel that France is ready to turn over to Haiti thanks to Medef". The ambassador of France in Haiti Didier Bret, as for him was pleased that "the public power encourages the French companies to come to Haiti, because one believes in this country, one believes that it is the good moment". See also: https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1257-haiti-france-entrepreneurs-and-investors-on-mission-in-haiti.html S/ HaïtiLibre
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