Haiti - Elections : The electoral conditions concern Ambassador Ramdin 01/10/2010 15:46:36 Albert Ramdin, Ambassador and Assistant Secretary General of the OAS explained to the meeting, some of the challenges with which are confronted the Office of National identity (ONI) in Haiti and the citizens during this pre-election period. The Assistant Secretary General, who had met a day earlier the head of ONI in Haiti, said the registration process has been challenged for its limited technical resources, being given the great quantity of Haitian citizens who tried to be registered for the poll of November 28th. [NdHL - A great quantity of citizens, probably very localized. Several of our recent articles testify on the contrary, of a decommissioning and a lack of interest of citizens in this process]. Ambassador Ramdin stressed that Haitians were also concerned about the possibility of storms before the election, which could undermine the electoral process "... we must not forget that there are still millions of Haitians who live in very difficult conditions which 1.3 million live in tents [...] this is not the best conditions to see a population into an electoral process and this is one of the concerns that we should keep in mind for the next two months" The Assistant Secretary General of the OAS has also discussed the tasks currently performed by the joint observation mission of the OAS/CARICOM led by Colin Granderson, Assistant Secretary General of the OAS responsible for the deployment of 200 observers Haiti. The Permanent Representative of Haiti to the OAS, Ambassador Duly Brutus, also spoke, to thank the OAS and the international community for the support provided for the elections. "Citizen participation and political stability are essential to facilitate the country's reconstruction after the earthquake." See also: https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1293-haiti-elections-national-office-of-identification-fingered.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1152-haiti-elections-the-national-identification-office-deploys-its-mobile-units.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1226-haiti-elections-the-national-office-of-identification-is-overflowed.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1241-haiti-jacmel-oni-and-cov-between-irregularities-and-bungling.html S/ HaitiLibre
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