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Haiti - News : Electoral Zapping...
05/05/2015 12:50:46

Haiti - News : Electoral Zapping...
Candidates looking for a well-paid job
Friday, May 1, in the multipurpose room of Lamandou, his eminence, Cardinal Chibly Langlois, celebrated the Mass of the Feast of the city of Alcibiades Pommayrac. On the sidelines of the celebrations Cardinal Langlois said doubted that the declared candidates in the upcoming elections really want to serve the people, rather he believes that these candidates are seeking primarily a well-paid job with all the benefits associated with it.

Sauveur Étienne won the primary of the OPL
Sauveur Pierre Etienne, the Coordinator of the Organization of People in Struggle (OPL) will be the presidential candidate of the OPL, having won all primary that took place from April 12 to May 3, 2015, except Nippes where his competitor Edgard Leblanc Fils was firmly established.

Start of pre-registration for the municipal
Normally according to the electoral timetable, parties and political groupings should start to pre-register online their candidates for municipalities and Boards of Communal Sections (same procedure as for the legislative, registration in 2 stages). The registration period will run from 5 to 24 May (21 days) in anticipation of territorial elections, scheduled Sunday, October 25, 2015 (together with the 2nd round of the legislative and the first round of presidential elections).

The elections of 25 October uncertain ?
Registration for the next presidential election scheduled to begin Monday, May 11 and end on May 20 (10 days) 2015. However, because of delays in several phases of the electoral timetable, many observers question whether it is possible to maintain the same day the elections for the second round of legislative elections, the 1st round of presidential and local elections, initially scheduled on October 25, 2015. They wonder if the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) would not be better to review from now the deadlines of its timetable.

The Rector of the University Quisqueya, presidential candidate
The Executive Board of the platform "VÉRITÉ" approved last weekend, Jacky Lumarque, the Rector of the Private University Quisqueya as a candidate for the Presidency of the platform, particularly for its unifying qualities instead of the former Agriculture Minister Joanas Gué and the former Prime Minister Jean Max Bellerive.

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