Haiti - Election : 8 Candidates for the return of the army in Haiti ! 17/10/2010 15:10:29 Edwin Parison, the Minister for Haitians living abroad attended the forum and said "The support of the citizens of the diaspora is crucial to Haiti's economy [...] The diaspora can help their friends and influence and families in Haiti to vote for you but need to know your plans" During this forum, candidates had to answer 10 questions prepared by students, the candidates have made general and vague promises relatively similar. The 5th question caught our attention "Are you for the army which will accompany the police force, because Minustah, have to leave one day the country ?" Garaudy Laguerre(Mouvman Wozo) believe that the national police can not secure the country without the assistance of MINUSTAH. "The police has always been assisted by MINUSTAH", he recalled. He is convinced that it takes an army to defend the territory and the interests of Haiti. Génard Joseph (Groupement Solidarité) think as for him, that the country should be made safe. He reiterated that the constitution spoke of two security forces. He wants a country with its army. The Nation was created by the army. Haiti needs an army to fight against crime and to help farmers [?]. The army is necessary. Eric Smarcki Charles (Parti de l'Evolution Nationale Haïtienne PENH) think we need an army to monitor the coast of Haiti, to assist disaster natural and fight against drug traffickers. Dr. Gerard Blot (Platfòm 16 Désanm) think that an army is necessary. Stating that the army is not the police, "the military dies with his weapon in hand" [?] He noted that insecurity is increasing every time we renew the mandate of MINUSTAH. And that it will be necessary to prepare the departure of Minustah. Dr. Josette Bijou (independent candidate) also think that the army is necessary. She thinks that this army will have a social role. She thinks that people often become violent because they are marginalized and it will work especially with people in slums. In addition to these five candidates, Charles Henri Baker (Respè), Jacques-Edouard Alexis (Mobilisation pour le Progrès d'Haïti (MPH)) and Jean-Hector Anacacis (Mouvement Démocratique de la Jeunesse Haïtienne (MODEJHA)) are also pronounced on the restoration of an army in Haiti, army that was disbanded in 1995/96 by President Jean Bertrand Aristide. 8 candidates of 19 (almost 50% of candidates) have taken a clear position for the return of an army in Haiti if they were elected. See also: https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1116-haiti-politic-jacques-edouard-alexis-also-wants-an-army.html IP/ HaitiLibre
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