Haiti - Epidemic : 14.3 tons of aid from Spain - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Epidemic : 14.3 tons of aid from Spain
28/10/2010 12:54:46

Haiti - Epidemic : 14.3 tons of aid from Spain
The Spanish Government, through its Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECI), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC), maintaining its response plan to assist the Haitian population against the epidemic cholera affecting Haiti.

Yesterday at 6:15am local time, landing at the airport in Port-au-Prince a plane with a cargo of 14.3 tons of aid, including 6 sets of fight against cholera, diarrhea, and serum and rehydration supplements, equipment for the administration of medical treatment, water purification tablets and also provided material for the storage of clean water.

The Haitian Government through the National management of Drinking water and Cleansing (Direction Nationale de l'Eau Potable et de l'Assainissement DINEPA) and the support of the AECI has begun distribution in Haiti of two tons of chlorine powder and 24 million tablets for purifying, which will make 108 million liters of drinking water. This action was made possible through the Emergency Fund of $2.5 million available to DINEPA last January in anticipation of the possibility of developing this type of epidemiological problems. These funds are managed by the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB).

Face to the emergence of cholera, and in response to the call of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Spain has also released last Friday a total of €100,000 from the funds Spain-OPS, which allowed immediately mobilized a team of experts (specialists in communicable diseases, epidemiologists, clinicians, etc...) to confirm the diagnosis and support the Haitian Government in caring for those affected and in the fight against the spread of the disease. This has also facilitated the mobilization of experts in water, sanitation, drinking water treatment and information about safe hygiene.

Elena Madrazo, Director of AECI said that Spain in coordination with the Government of Haiti and the rest of Humanitarian Agencies, will monitor the outbreak and will carry out forthcoming sendings, with more material if that would be necessary.

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