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![]() Haiti - FLASH : Last speech to the Nation of President Martelly 07/02/2016 15:19:13
Excerpts from the speech of President Michel Martelly : "[...] The February 7, 2016, as required by the 1987 Constitution amended, my term comes to an end [...] if it is true that my mandate began on 14 May 2011, as a democrat, respectful of laws and the Constitution of my country, I leave the presidency of the state to contribute to the return to constitutional normality. [...] Here I am at the end of my mandate [...] after all the battles I've done without merciless for you the Haitian people with all my heart, with all my good faith with all that I can wear of dream of greatness for my country. I would first like to thank you people of Haiti, you who did me the great honor of entrusting me the state's highest office to lead its destined, I want to express my gratitude and tell you to continue to believe, believe in change to force destiny and back Haiti on the place that it deserves in the concert of nations [...] this work will not be easy it will be long lasting, it requires intelligence of the spirit of sacrifice and self-denial, it assumes a great ambition for the Republic [...] I leave with the conviction that the avatars of history can not have reason over these future plans. Succession is everywhere in the country, eyes wide open, up front, to deny the fatality of fate in which our fratricidal wars for power have trapped. Succession is there in our schools, in our universities, it is everywhere in our montages in our neighborhoods, in our cities, in the diaspora, ready to organize vigilance to condemn without ignoring the past and consider to the past the future with passion, with determination, with dignity. I would like to thank all those who with me, beside me, in front of me sometimes [...] have during those 5 long years been involved for Haiti, because they believed in Haiti, because they chose Haiti, because they love Haiti, because Haiti to them was greater than themselves. I would tell them that their investment will not have been in vain. [...] May 14, 2011 [...] I've faced all the challenges facing the impossible, facing the most utter despair but especially against those that bad faith has never yielded and will yield never, but who cares, Haiti will remember in its long road to the promised land a certain Michel Joseph Martelly, Micky for his people, had loved, had given, had built may be better than those who have never fished. [...] Friends of Haiti, whose the unfailing compassion and constructive criticism will have allowed to hope : a Big Thanks! [...] To all my family, especially to you, Sophia, my wife, thank you. What would I be without you a broken rope to the fingers of the guitarist ? [...] My fellow at the rendezvous of history, history will remember despite wind and tides, willy-nilly, the stone that I have contributed to building a more beautiful Haiti. It will also recall my failures and that I assume alone and among them my greatest regret, that of the deferred presidential elections. I would like to say to you people of Haiti that I love you and I never cease to love you and support you, the President will always be there for you. But I would also say that this is a battle, a battle lost because of the war, one I would have initiated against extreme poverty, against ignorance [...] this war there will be won. I already sent shells with the agreement signed yesterday with parliament. May the strong forces of the Nation united, work together to complete the process initiated and thus prevented our country from further trauma. [...] Today I am ready to answer before the tribunal of history. Because even though it's true that I played my score in the music that allowed me to leave with the feeling of a job well done, I can not remove from my mouth the taste of a mission that is not over yet and much remains to be done. [...] Today arrived the day to say that Haiti can continue to rely on me, I will not drop it, I'll stay with here in front of all those who destroy the history, the will, the dream a whole people. [...] I invite each of Haiti to understand that ideas and different opinions is not an evil, one can not agree with each other, but we can manage to agree, to unite to light the way of development. [...] All citizens who have chosen to serve the country during my presidency I say thank you [...] continue to work and fight for our results would cover all propaganda noises and spoken evil that are made every day. [...] A big thank you to every Haitian, those who were for me and those who were against me, I am always told me, there is nobody in the opposition or in the press that hated Michel Martelly, but I thought some of them had problems with the ideology and vision of President Martelly. [...] I think that this February 7 is a special day for every Haitian, a day that will mark history, I want to use it to forgive, forgive each person who stood before the development of Haiti, forgive each person who views their personal interests instead of seeing the interest of Haiti, forgive each person who took pleasure in selling a bad image of our country. I think it is not too late, it is not too late for there to be a general awareness among every Haitian. [...] Martelly go, Haiti remains when you think hurt Martelly in the kraze brize, it is to Haiti you made wrong. [...] Today the time has come to tell the Haitian people, thank you, thank you for your patience and fortitude, thank you, thank you for your confidence and the honor you made me when you give me the chance to serve my country . Haiti Cherie, Haiti Mom, I was there, I'm there, and I'll always be here for you. God bless us and protect Haiti Ayibobo Mesi anpil" Listen to the full speech of President Michel Martelly : HL/ HaitiLibre
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