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Haiti - Economy : Inflation continues to accelerate, exceeding 13%
21/02/2016 10:23:44

Haiti - Economy : Inflation continues to accelerate, exceeding 13%
During the month of January 2016 the General Index Consumer Price (base 100 in August 2004), which stood at 252.8 in December 2015 rose to 255.5 in January 2016, continuing its upward acceleration in January with +1.1% and yoy to + 13.3%.

The functions that have contributed most to this monthly increase of 1.1% are mainly "Food, Beverage & Tobacco" (+ 1.3%), "Clothing, Textiles and Footwear" (+ 1.9%), "Housing Rent, Energy and water '(+ 0.9%), "Planning and Housing Maintenance" (+ 1.1%) and "Other Goods and Services" (+ 0.9%).

The progress of the "Food, drinks and tobacco" function which represents over 50% of the household budget comes from among other of the prices of rice (+ 1.3%), millet (+ 2.5%), of cornflakes (+ 1.1%), poultry (+ 2.0%), ham (+ 1.2%), fresh fish (+ 1.1%), of cod (+ 1.1%), bananas (+ 3.3%), the giraumont (+ 3.1%), the kazoo (4.4%), cabbage (2.9%), carrot (2.9%), tomato (2.1%), tomato paste (3.3%), yams (+ 1.8%), the malanga (+ 2.8%), the potato (+ 3.6%) and potatoes (+3.5 %), the true tree (+ 1.2%), orange (+ 2.9%) of chadèque (+ 2.8%), lemon (+ 2.9%), raw sugar (+ 1.7%), refined sugar (+ 0.9%) and other alcoholic beverages (+ 0.9%).

The increase in the "Clothing, Textiles and Footwear" function is mainly due to the increase in products such as tissues (+ 2.3%), suit, jacket Universal (+ 1.5%), shirt (+ 1.6%), trousers man (+ 2.1%), dress (+ 3.0%) and tennis shoes (+ 3.2%) and sandals (+ 1.9%).

The increase in the index "Rent Housing, Energy and Water" of + 0.9% is mainly due to the variations in housing rent (+ 1.7%) and water supply (+ 0.4%)

The rise observed at the "Development and Housing Maintenance" function is mainly due to the lounge furniture (+ 2.0%), dining room (+ 2.9%), bed (+ 2.0%), mattresses (+ 1.9%), bed linen (+ 1.1%), curtains (+ 2.0%), web (+ 1.8%), refrigerator (+ 4.0%) and miscellaneous services (+ 2.6%).

Finally, products that contributed most to the increase in the "Other Goods and Services" are: toothpaste (+ 4.7%), toilet powder (+ 4.0%) and body cream (+ 2.0%).

Situation in figures by function for the whole country (yoy) :
Food, beverages and tobacco : 15.2%
Apparel and textiles, footwear : 19.9%
Rent housing, energy and water : 10.3%
Development and maintenance of housing : 13.6%
Health : 10.7%
Transport : 1.1%
Leisure, entertainment, education and cultural : 12.2%
Other goods and services : 19.7%

Situation in Figures local products (yoy) : :
Food, beverages and tobacco : 19.29%
Apparel and textiles, footwear : 14.7%
Rent housing, energy and water : 9.8%
Development and maintenance of housing : 14.3%
Health : 12.5%
Transport : 2.9%
Leisure, entertainment, education and cultural : 8.6%
Other goods and services : 7.9%

Situation in figures of imported products (YoY) :
Food, beverages and tobacco : 5.8%
Apparel and textiles, footwear : 21.8%
Rent housing, energy and water : 0.2%
Development and maintenance of housing : 22.3%
Health : 4.7%
Transport : -6.7%
Leisure, entertainment, education and cultural : 35.6%
Other goods and services : 19.1%

General Price Index by Region (Variation on a month) :
Metropolitan area (+ 1.11%)
Rest North (+ 1.1%) (includes the departments of South-East and West)
North (+ 1.3%), (including departments of the North, Northeast and Northwest)
South (+ 1.1%) (including South departments of Grand'Anse and Nippes)
Transversal (+ 1.2%), (including the departments of Centre and Artibonite)

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