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Haiti - FLASH : Installation of the Verification Commission
29/04/2016 06:40:20

Haiti - FLASH : Installation of the Verification Commission
On Thursday, at the National Palace President a.i. Jocelerme Privert, accompanied by the Prime Minister, Enex Jean-Charles, has proceeded to the installation of the Evaluation Commission and of Electoral Verification.

The main mission of this Commission, considering the political context of mistrust prevailing in the country, is to restore the confidence of political actors in the electoral process by establishing the sincerity of the election results of 2015. The members of the Commission will develop a methodology for a technical analysis of available data to the Votes Tabulation Center.

The terms of reference of the mandate of the Commission, according to the Decree of 27 April 2016 as read during the installation ceremony, are defined as follows :

1- Purify the voting process by analyzing the signing sheets, the partial electoral lists, count sheets, minutes of counting, minutes of deficiency, incidence minutes, ballots and already registered complaints;

2- Evaluate all decisions of litigation organs of the Provisional Electoral Council having been the subject of denunciations, of regularly documented complaints, and propose to appropriate review of these decisions that for the purposes of law;

3- Check compliance of the voting process, polling and counting in accordance with the Electoral Decree of March 2015 and make appropriate recommendations;

4- Recommend measures for execution of corrective measures to the Executive Power and the Electoral Council likely to restore confidence in the electoral process and ensure the sincerity of the results.

(previous version of terms : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-17225-haiti-flash-fraudsters-no-longer-have-to-worry-about-the-verification-commission.html )

Commission members :
1- Mr. François Benoît, former member of the Provisional Electoral Council (2005-2006)
2- Mr. Gédéon Jean, former member of the Independent Electoral Evaluation Commissioncreated by presidential decree dated December 22, 2015 (under the Martelly regime)
3- Mr. Pierre Wilfrid Sanon, designated by the Haitian Association of construction companies
4- Father Mc Donald Jean, appointed by the Anglican Church (former senator and member of the Council of the Wise in 2004)
5- Mr. Michel Eric Gaillard, designated by the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants of Haiti

The Commission will have to fulfill its mandate within a period not exceeding 30 calendar days (continuous)

Immediately after the installation of the members of the Commission, they have made choice of François Benoit as President of the said commission. In his speech for the occasion, Mr. Benoit declared "If you have nothing to reproach you, you have nothing to fear [...] The work we are proposing to do, is first and foremost a work of citizen. It is time that our country starts on a basis of trust. We have your confidence and we will deserve of that trust.

It is time to take our responsibility to safeguard the interests of the Nation and that especially, the recovery and the completion of the electoral process are performed in a climate of trust."

Also, recall that in an order dated April 14, 2016 read during installation it was specified "Political actors and competitors involved in the electoral process agree to accept the findings and recommendations of the Evaluation Commission and of Electoral Verification." Note that we are talking here of about fifteen signatory party who were present at the presentation of the first version of the terms of reference, terms that have not been signed by the two candidates qualified for the second presidential round (Jovenel Moïse and Jude Célestin) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-17190-haiti-elections-verification-commission-terms-of-reference-approved-and-signed.html

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