Haiti - FLASH : National alert for the PNH - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : National alert for the PNH
11/06/2016 09:03:32

Haiti - FLASH : National alert for the PNH
Following reliable sources of information that the Government should have, suggesting the planning of imminent attacks by armed commandos against schools, public buildings and gas stations, the Ministry of Justice has decided to temporarily suspend all gun licenses throughout the territory of Haiti.

"The Ministry of Justice and Public Security, brings to public attention, in general, and interested parties, in particular, that, following decision of the Superior Council of the National Police (CSPN), dated June 9, 2016, all weapon carry permit are suspended temporarily, throughout the territory.

Formal instructions have been passed to law enforcement, to the strict implementation of this measure [...]"

This measure that will be reassessed depending on the developments, concerns everyone, all institutions of the country including security companies with the exception of the National Police and peacekeepers who are allowed to move with firearms, specified the Minister of Justice Camille Junior Edouard which can not or does not want specify whether this is organized crime or hidden political hands, evoking only a criminal organization of high level very well organized...

At the borders, controls were strengthened following of various information, reporting a significant increase in arms trafficking and the PNH is in a state of national alert.

A decision very badly welcomed by the population and merchants who-according to them, leaves the field to bandits who have no need of gun licenses to realize their crimes.

On the web this measure facing criticism, is described as senseless...

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