Haiti - FLASH : Reopening of schools Monday... - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Reopening of schools Monday...
09/10/2016 10:30:43

Haiti - FLASH : Reopening of schools Monday...
The Ministry of National Education informs that an inventory of school infrastructure is underway to assess the extent of damage and the type of urgent intervention to perform for the resumption of school activities in the affected areas. Teams of support to the Regional Directorates of Education, were dispatched in 6 departments most affected (South, Grande Anse, South East, Nippes, Artibonite and Northwest).

Initial reports indicate 300 affected schools whose the majority of which relate to roofs partially or completely destroyed in addition to damage caused by the rains and floods.

A preliminary estimate of repair and reconstruction costs is underway by the School Engineering Directorate https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-18869-haiti-news-zapping-politics.html

Meanwhile, the Department initiated a series of consultations with the bilateral and multilateral cooperation partners to mobilize actors on emergency operations to be undertaken to allow schools to operate within acceptable learning conditions, including rehabilitation of infrastructure and/or construction of school buildings and the supports to consider to the benefit of the educational community.

Despite the situation, the Ministry of National Education who had decided to close schools because of Hurricane https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-18824-haiti-flash-the-ministry-of-education-maintains-schools-closed.html , maintains the resumption of school activities Monday, October 10 and students are expected in the classroom...

Guilbaud Saint-Cyr, President of the Federation of Protestant Schools of Haiti (over 3,000 establishments), said that all Protestant schools will not be able to host students on Monday. Indicating that the current evaluation of school infrastructure, indicates that several schools in the North West and South departments will not accommodate student before one week, see in November for some.

For its part, the Ministry points out that in areas where educational facilities are the most affected "[...] after the evaluation, the Ministry will set up temporary structures to enable the academic year."

HL/ SL/ HaitiLibre

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