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Haiti - FLASH : UN launches a $120M flash appeal for Haiti
11/10/2016 10:30:44

Haiti - FLASH : UN launches a $120M flash appeal for Haiti
Monday in Geneva, the United Nations, in coordination with the Haitian Government and other partners, launched an appeal for humanitarian funds of $119.8 million to be able to help 750,000 Haitians affected by the hurricane Matthew for the next three months.

After the meeting, Stephen O'Brien, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs declared at a press confeence "I wish to express my strong solidarity with the people of Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. I take this opportunity again to express my deepest condolences and sympathies to the people who have been affected by this Hurricane Matthew.

Hundreds have died ; at least 1.4 million people need assistance at this time ; some towns and villages have been almost wiped off the map ; crops and food reserves have been destroyed. At least 300 schools have been damaged.

These numbers and needs are growing as more affected areas are reached. Tensions are already mounting as people await help. A massive response is required. UN teams are working with local officials to assess needs.

This past Friday, we allocated an initial $5 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund. Today in Geneva, we launched a $120 million flash appeal covering the UN system’s needs for the next three months. [ Food security, nutrition and agricultural emergency: 56 million - Water Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion: 15 million - Emergency shelter and essential non-food products: 12.4 million - Health: 9 million - Protection: 7.225 million - Logistics and emergency telecommunications: 6.6 million - Early recovery and livelihood: 6.15 million - Education: 4.375 million - Coordination and support services: 1.6 million and Displacement Tracking Matrix 1.5 million ].

The consequences of the storm include an increase in the risk of diseases, including those borne by water, such as cholera.

As you know, I am developing a new approach to the cholera situation. This will encompass support for people affected by the disease and for efforts to build sound water, sanitation and health systems in order to help eliminate cholera in Haiti. This disaster makes it even more vital to significantly step up our support -- and to do so right now.

The United Nations is mobilizing across all fronts to support the people, the Government and local groups such as the Red Cross in getting recovery under way as quickly as possible. I call on the international community to show solidarity and generosity – and to work together effectively in responding to this emergency."

HL/ HaitiLibre

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