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Haiti - FLASH : Haiti 2nd most corrupt country in the Caribbean / Latin America zone
30/01/2019 08:14:12

Haiti - FLASH : Haiti 2nd most corrupt country in the Caribbean / Latin America zone
Transparency International has released its annual Corruption Perceptions Index 2018, which ranks 180 countries and territories according to the perceived level of public sector corruption according to 13 surveys and expert and businessmen assessments. This index uses a scale from 0 (highly corrupted) to 100 (very little corrupted).

The Report reveals that more than 66% of countries score below points, averaging 43 points.

The Caribbean and Latin America Region has an average score of 44 points for the third year in a row and continues to fail to fight corruption effectively. At the bottom of the index on the podium of the worst results of the region we find:

#1 Venezuela score 18 points
#2 Haiti 20 points
#3 Nicaragua 25 points

Globally, Haiti is down four places and ranks in 2018 ranked 161 out of 180 countries with a total of 20 points (157th in 2017 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-23641-haiti-corruption-haiti-ranked-157th-out-of-180-countries-progresses-slightly.html and 159th in 2016 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19908-haiti-economy-corruption-haiti-poorly-rated.html )

The Dominican Republic, for its part, has risen 6 places and in 2018 ranks 129th out of 180 countries with a total of 30 points (135th in 2017).

According to the report, "the chronic inability of most countries to effectively control corruption is a contributing factor to the crisis of democracy in the world."

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